A nonlinear, steady-state, baroclinic, primitive equation, numerical model of forced stationary waves in the atmosphere is developed. In the model, the vertical structure is represented by truncated series of normalized Legendre polynomials with a as argument and the horizontal structure of each vertical mode is described in terms of spherical harmonics. Newtonian cooling, Rayleigh friction and biharmonic horizontal diffusion are included in the model. The method used in the computation of nonlinear terms is a generalization to three dimensions of the transform method. The solution of a linear model,which corresponds to the nonlinear one in all aspects except that the basic equations are linearized by the perturbation method, is used as the initial guess and then the steady-state, convergent, nonlinear solution is obtained by using Newton-Raphson iteration.Besides that the basic model and the numerical procedure are outlined, the results of some preliminary experimental tests of the model are also presented.Comparison of nonlinear model solution with corresponding linear solution for the response to the Northern Hemispheric topography and diabatic heating in January 1979 shows that the nonlineaYities are of primary importance in simulation of the stationary waves in the real atmosphere, especially in the tropical region.