摘要: 热带气旋在热带洋面生成后大多向极移动,其结构、强度、移动路径及风雨等均受中纬度环流系统及地形的影响,同时,热带气旋携带的大量水汽和热带扰动能量向中纬度的输送,有利于激发和增强中纬度环流系统的发展,产生严重的灾害性天气。近年来,热带气旋与中纬度环流系统的相互作用已成为国际台风界的研究焦点之一。简要概述了该领域的研究进展,旨在为进一步探讨其相互作用机制及寻找业务转化途径,最终提高热带气旋及中纬度转折性的灾害性天气预报精度奠定基础。Abstract: The tropical cyclone's (TC) structure,intensity,movement and rain etc are influenced by mid-latitude weather systems and terrain after TC generate in tropical sea and move toward polar areas. Meanwhile,a great deal of vapor and tropical perturbation energy transport to mid-latitude region with TC movement,being advantageous to enhance the mid-latitude weather systems and bring serious disaster. Recently,the interaction between TC and mid-latitude weather system has become a research focus. This paper summarized the evolutions of the interaction between TC and mid-latitude weather systems and discussed the scientific issues on it.
Key words:
- tropical cyclone /
- mid-latitude weather systems /
- interaction
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