摘要: 高速公路交通安全运输属于对气象高度敏感的行业,其所追求的快速、高效、安全、准时的目标,在很大程度上要受到气象因素的制约。随着国家经济与城市化的快速发展,由气象条件引起的高速公路交通安全保障问题已成为影响经济发展的一个关键因素。对国内、外在高速公路气象预报系统研究方面的进展进行了简要回顾与介绍,探讨了目前国际上主要高速公路气象预报系统的特点,主要涉及的大气科学问题,所面临的主要问题和未来发展趋势。对研发影响高速公路安全的高危险天气预报系统具有参考价值。Abstract: Weather condition for highways is a highly sensitive factor in traffic safety.Fast,efficient,safe and timely transportation is always a goal that has been pursued by the transportation industry but is restrained by meteorological factors to a large extent.With the rapid development of national economy and urbanization,the issue of safety support of transportation under adverse weather conditions,especially for main traffic network such as highways,has become a key factor that has impacts upon national economical development.In this paper,the progress of domestic and international research on major highway weather forecasting systems are briefly reviewed,and then their characteristics,difficulties and future developing tendencies discussed.This paper provides some useful information on how to design and develop highway weather forecasting systems for highly hazardous weather events so as to ensure more traffic safety in highways.
Key words:
- road weather information /
- numerical prediction /
- highways /
- traffic safety
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