摘要: COARE(Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Response Experiment)算法是国际上较先进的计算海气界面通量的算法。最新的COARE 3.0算法包含TY01方案和O02方案两种考虑真实海浪状态的海面空气动力学粗糙度方案;当有效波高和谱峰周期缺省时,利用Taylor01风浪特征量参数化方案可对它们进行参数化。在此基础上引入自主设计的WHP(Wind-wave significant wave Height and dominant wave Period)风浪特征量参数化方案和三种海面空气动力学粗糙度方案,即SCOR方案、GW03方案、PYP07方案以及更简单的Andreas12、Vickers15摩擦速度算法,利用NDBC(National Data Buoy Center)浮标数据、解放军理工大学风浪流水槽实验数据,针对中高风速条件(10 m/s≤U10≤25 m/s)比较上述方案对摩擦速度的预测效果。结果表明:WHP方案在COARE 3.0算法中的应用效果优于Taylor01方案,且新引入的SCOR、GW03、PYP07海面粗糙度方案对风浪特征量的观测误差敏感性更小、稳定度更高;水槽实测数据的对比结果表明,WHP方案结合SCOR海面粗糙度方案计算的摩擦速度与实测值最接近;引入其他三种实测数据的检验结果表明,原始COARE 3.0算法会低估摩擦速度,而WHP方案结合SCOR海面粗糙度方案能更准确地预测摩擦速度随10 m风速的增长趋势。
- 有效波高 /
- 谱峰周期 /
- COARE 3.0算法 /
- 动量通量 /
- 摩擦速度
Abstract: The Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Response Experiment (COARE) algorithm is the more advanced algorithm in the world for the air-sea flux. The newest COARE 3.0 algorithm includes two sea surface aerodynamic roughness schemes with consideration of specified wave properties named TY01 and O02. When lacking significant wave height and dominant wave period, the COARE 3.0 algorithm will use Taylor01 scheme to parameterize them. In this paper, we introduce our new developed Wind-wave significant wave Height and dominant wave Period (WHP) parameterization scheme and three sea surface aerodynamic roughness schemes named SCOR, GW03 and PYP07, in addition, two simple friction velocity algorithms named Andreas 12 and Vickers 15 are introduced. Using buoy data and the sink data, we compare above schemes for the moderate to high wind speeds. Results show that: the application of WHP scheme in COARE 3.0 algorithm is better than Taylor01 scheme, three new introduced sea surface aerodynamic roughness schemes named SCOR, GW03, PYP07 have smaller error and higher stability; the calculated friction velocity by WHP scheme combined with SCOR sea surface roughness scheme is the most close to the measured sink values; the test results used the additional introduction of the other three kinds of measured data show that the original COARE 3.0 algorithm will underestimate friction velocity, while the WHP scheme combined with SCOR sea surface roughness scheme can more accurately predict the growth trend of friction velocity over 10m wind speed.-
Key words:
- significant wave height /
- dominant wave period /
- COARE 3.0 algorithm /
- momentum flux /
- friction velocity
表 1 5种海面空气动力学粗糙度方案和2种摩擦速度算法
方案名称 公式 TY01 ${z_0} = 1\; 200{H_s}{\left({{H_s}/{L_p}} \right)^{4.5}} + 0.11\nu /{u_*}$ O02 ${z_0} = 25{L_p}{\left({{u_*}/{C_p}} \right)^{4.5}}/\pi + 0.11\nu /{u_*}$ SCOR ${z_0} = \beta u_*^2/g + 0.11\nu /{u_*}$ ,其中, $\beta = \left\{ {\begin{array}{*{20}{l}} {0.03\left({{C_p}/{u_*}} \right)\exp \left({ -0.14{C_p}/{u_*}} \right)} & {\left({0.35 < {C_p}/{u_*} < 35} \right)}\\ {\; \; \; \; 0.008} & {\left({{C_p}/{u_*} \ge 35} \right)} \end{array}} \right.$ GW03 ${z_0} = 10\exp \left[ { -k{{\left({B/2\pi {a_1}} \right)}^{1/2}}{{\left({{C_p}/{u_*}} \right)}^{1/4}}} \right] + 0.11\nu /{u_*}$ $\left({k = 0.4, 2\pi {a_1}, B = 7.2 \times {{10}^{ -3}}} \right)$ PYP07 $\ln \left({{z_0}/{H_s}} \right) = 2.82\ln \left({{u_*}/{C_p}} \right) -0.295$ Andreas12 ${u_*} = 0.0583\; {U_{10n}} -0.243$ Vickers15 ${u_*} = f\left(U \right)h\left({{R_b}} \right)\; \; \left({f\left(U \right) = 0.17 -0.019U + 0.0042{U^2} -8.4 \times {{10}^{ -5}}{U^3}, {R_b} = \frac{{\left({{\theta _v} -{\theta _s}} \right){\rm{gz}}}}{{{\theta _v}{U^2}}}, h\left({{R_b}} \right) = \left\{ \begin{array}{l} {\left({1 -60{R_b}} \right)^{0.1}}, {R_b} < 0\\ {\left({1 + 60{R_b}} \right)^{0.2}}, {R_b} > 0 \end{array} \right.} \right)$ 表 2 WHP和Taylor01风浪特征量参数化方案结合5种不同海面粗糙度方案计算摩擦速度u*的归一化标准误差
NSEE WHP Taylor01 TY01 0.130 1 0.159 7 O02 0.119 1 0.167 7 SCOR 0.075 8 0.115 0 GW03 0.076 5 0.105 2 PYP07 0.060 7 0.084 1 表 3 12种方案计算摩擦速度u*的归一化标准误差
方案 海面粗糙度方案 风浪特征量参数化方案WHP 风浪特征量参数化方案Taylor01 TY01 0.318 8 0.365 3 O02 0.333 7 0.374 0 COARE 3.0 SCOR 0.307 1 0.343 2 GW03 0.398 9 0.430 8 PYP07 0.376 4 0.402 2 Andreas12 0.359 4 Vickers15 0.434 4 -
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