摘要: 基于1979—2013年四川156站逐月降水资料和ERA-interim逐月再分析资料,分析了四川7月和8月降水异常主要空间分布型及其大尺度环流特征。(1) 7月和8月降水异常均主要表现为全区一致型,其次是中部与东西部振荡型,但7月与8月同一模态的变化没有持续性;(2) 7月和8月四川降水异常呈全区一致型的环流配置差异明显,关键环流因子主要包括副高、欧亚中高纬环流和南亚高压;(3)控制7月和8月降水异常全区一致型的关键环流因子强度和位置存在显著差异,其中副高的表现最突出。全区多雨型:7月副高西部明显偏强、西界明显偏西,脊线偏北,四川位于副高西北边缘附近。8月副高西南部明显偏强,脊线明显偏南,西界偏西,586线经过四川南部29 °N附近。全区少雨型:7月副高西南部明显偏弱,西北部偏强,西界明显偏东,脊线偏北,四川位于副高西侧。8月副高西北部明显偏强,脊线明显偏北,西界偏西,整个四川都在586线控制范围内。Abstract: Using the observational monthly precipitation data at 156 stations of Sichuan and ERA-interim monthly reanalysis from 1979 to 2013, we discussed the spatial distribution patterns of precipitation in July and August and the associated large-scale atmospheric circulation characteristics in Sichuan. The results are shown as follows: (1) The principal modes of monthly precipitation anomalies of Sichuan in July and August are consistent distribution, followed by central-east-west oscillation. But the same mode changes in July and August have no continuity; (2) The patterns of circulation which are related to the consistent spatial distribution pattern of different months have significantly different characteristics. With the main atmospheric circulation factors including the Subtropical High (SH) and the circulation in mid-high latitudes of Eurasian continent and the South Asia High (SAH); (3) The intensity and position of key atmospheric circulation factors related to the precipitation anomaly of the consistent spatial distribution pattern in different months have obviously different characteristics. SH is the most eminent one among these factors. The west of SH strengthens and shifts northward and westward slightly in July, while the southwest of SH strengthens and shifts southward and westward obviously in August, inducing the simultaneous monthly rainfall in the whole areas of Sichuan to be more than normal. The northwest of SH strengthens and southwest of SH weakens and shifts eastward and northward obviously in July, while the northwest of SH strengthens and shifts northward and westward obviously in August, leading to the simultaneous monthly rainfall in the whole region of Sichuan to be less than normal.
图 6 同图 3,但为8月PC1正、负位相年
图 7 同图 4,但为8月PC1正、负位相年
图 8 同图 5,但为8月PC1正、负位相年
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