摘要: 利用广州地面观测站(简称广州站)的两种能见度仪和人工观测的能见度资料,分析两种观测方法之间的一致性和差异性,并对广州站能见度建立参数化模型。研究结果表明,不同的能见度范围和观测时次,两者均有较好的一致性;当能见度为3 km以下及10 km以上时,两者一致率较高;在5次正点观测的器测和目测值一致率均高达90%以上。10~30 km范围内的平均相对误差较低,其余范围均高于20%。在11、14和17时的相对误差低于10%,08和20时的相对误差较高。能见度在1~10 km范围内,随着能见度的增大,器测与目测平均相对误差增大,仪器粗差率增大。另外,基于大气相对湿度、颗粒物数浓度建立广州站能见度参数化模型,能较准确模拟出能见度变化的趋势。实际检验表明,模拟值与实况误差基本小于3 km。因此,该模型可以预报广州站的能见度,为准确判断广州市能见度变化提供一定的参考依据。Abstract: To find out the difference and correlation between atmospheric visibility data from instrumental and visual observation, this article analyzes the visibility data from two kinds of visibility measuring meters and manual observations in Weather Observatory of Guangzhou. The results show that the visibility data from the two methods all have positive correlation. When the visibility is within 3km and 10~30 km, they have high consistency. On five different points of time, the concordance rates between the two methods are more than 90%. The average relative error is lower in 10~30 km and higher than 20% in other ranges. At 11:00, 14:00 and 17:00, the average relative error is lower than 10%. In 1~10 km, with the visibility increasing, the average relative error and gross error increase, while the concordance rate reduces. To forecast the visibility more accurately, a parameterization model of visibility is established based on the particle number concentration(N) and relative humidity(RH), which can simulate the change tendency of visibility generally. Actual cases verified that most of the visibility estimation error is less than 3 km.
Key words:
- visibility /
- data quality evaluation /
- parameterization
表 1 不同能见度范围的器测与目测值的相关性分析
范围/km 相关系数 平均相对误差/ % 粗差率/ % Belfort 凯迈 Belfort 凯迈 Belfort 凯迈 <1 0.971** 0.777 38.9 32.7 0.0 0.0 1~3 0.383 0.307 28.7 25.3 0.0 0.0 3~5 0.248 0.226 45.6 40.4 3.2 1.9 5~10 0.526** 0.509** 46.8 43.6 19.5 16.7 10~30 0.810** 0.831** 4.0 5.6 1.7 1.4 注:**代表在0.01水平(双侧)上显著相关,下同。 表 2 不同时次器测与目测值相关性分析
时次 相关系数 平均相对误差/ % 粗差率/ % Belfort 凯迈 Belfort 凯迈 Belfort 凯迈 08 0.834** 0.851** 16.3% 21.2 1.20 1.6 11 0.825** 0.856** 7.0% 8.2 1.80 1.2 14 0.809** 0.833** 2.3% 4.3 1.80 1.2 17 0.837** 0.865** 3.5% 6.5 0.98 1.5 20 0.706** 0.645** 20.1% 22.7 1.70 1.3 表 3 能见度与相对湿度、颗粒物数浓度相关性分析
能见度(Vis) 相对湿度(RH) 颗粒物数浓度(N) 皮尔逊相关系数 -0.94** -0.702** -
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