摘要: 台风的增强过程与气旋性涡度的急剧发展相伴。使用滑动平均的空间滤波方法对WRF模式的模拟结果进行尺度分离, 进而诊断分析台风SANBA突然增强过程中垂直涡度及环流的发展演变特征。结果表明, 台风突然增强的过程中, 眼壁区上升速度增大, 暖心结构增强, 同时垂直涡度迅速增强。当SANBA从热带风暴发展为强热带风暴时, 对流层低层辐散辐合及垂直速度分布的不均匀对台风涡旋结构的增强强度相当, 在台风内部以增强区域为主同时与减弱区域交错分布; 当SANBA发展增强为强台风时, 对流层低层的散度项与倾斜项在台风中心附近均表现为强的正中心, 台风低层径向入流的增强导致低层辐合加强对台风的增强起到主要作用。台风中心区域平均环流强度随台风的不断增强而不断增大, 且从900 hPa高度不断向高层发展, 其中环流方程中的EED/EET项的发展变化可以表征台风发展初期散度项和倾斜项的主要变化。Abstract: Typhoon enhancement processes accompany with the rapid development of cyclonic vorticity. Based on WRF model simulation results, we diagnose and analyze the vertical vorticity and circulation during the development and evolution of super typhoon SANBA.In order to distinguish convective structures from system structures, a spatial filter is derived using a two-dimensional weight moving average, the weight of which is defined by a window function. The result shows that the updraft increases, warm core structure gradually becomes obvious, and vertical vorticity rapidly enhances with the development of the typhoon. When tropical storm develop into a strong tropical storm (the 30th hour of the simulation), the intensity of the tilting term and divergence term are similar in the lower troposphere, which shows that the enhancement of typhoon vortex structure is closely related with the divergence/convergence and the non-uniform distribution of vertical velocity. When SANBA developed to a super typhoon (the 50th hour of the simulation), both the tilting term and divergence term have strong positive centers near the typhoon center in the lower troposphere, and the contribution of the divergence term is greater than that of the tilting term. The low-level radial inflow enhancement leads to enhanced low-level convergence, playing a major role in the development of typhoon. Developing upwards from 900 hPa to the high level, the circulation intensity is enhanced with the typhoon intensification. Specifically, the change and development of the EED/EET item in the circulation equations may characterize the major changes in the divergence term and tilting term in the early development of typhoon.
Key words:
- synoptics /
- typhoon /
- diagnostic /
- vorticity /
- circulation
图 3 同图 2, 但为位温(单位: K)的分布
图 4 同图 2, 但为垂直速度(单位: m/s)的分布
图 9 同图 7, 但为2012年9月13日02时(t=50)的分布
图 10 同图 8, 但为2012年9月13日02时(t=50)的分布
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