摘要: 2014年5月22日华南地区出现了一次大范围强对流天气过程,该过程中出现了两个中尺度对流系统(Mesoscale Convective System,MCS)MCS-A和MCS-B,两个MCS表现出迥异的形态特征,产生了不同的强对流天气。利用多源观测资料以及高分辨率数值模式分析了环境条件对于MCS形态特征的影响,结果表明:(1)广西夜间到凌晨边界层顶附近强盛的低空急流,使得MCS-A在北部山区出现后向建立(BB, back building)的形态特征,有利于大量级的短时强降水的出现;(2) MCS-A进入广西平原地区以后,强盛的边界层以上的低空急流使得能量垂直廓线的极大值在边界层高度以上,且风垂直切变特征不利于冷池前方的垂直运动发展,冷池前方无法连续触发对流,MCS-A逐渐演化成线状对流/层云伴随(TL/AS, Training Line/Adjoining stratiform)的形态特征,而后消亡;(3)在广东,能量极大值出现在大气底层,环境风廓线有利于冷池前方垂直运动发展,进而触发新的对流,新生成的MCS-B呈现典型的层云拖曳型(TS,trailing stratiform)形态,最终形成飑线,造成雷暴大风天气。Abstract: The evolution of morphology of two MCSs, i.e., MCS-A and MCS-B, which evolved into remarkably different morphology respectively and resulted in different convective weather in South China on 22 May 2014, is analyzed, through multi-source observation and high-resolution model simulation. The results indicate: (1) the prominent low level jet near the top of the boundary layer in the mountainous region of northern Guangxi province modulated MCS-A into a back building(BB) morphology, which induced short duration heavy rainfall; (2) After going down the mountains, MCS-A transformed into training line/adjoining stratiform (TL/AS) morphology and gradually decayed in Guangxi province, due to the elevated layer of maximum convective energy and storm-relative wind velocity above the boundary layer, which impinged the development of vertical motion and convective cell ahead of the cold pool; (3) In Guangdong province, the new-born MCS-B evolved into a typical trailing stratiform (TS) morphology, producing a relatively weak precipitation but generating gust wind. The convective energy and environmental wind profile condition, characterized by maximum value in the bottom layer, was in favor of the development of upward motion in front of the cold pool.
Key words:
- MCS /
- morphology /
- environmental condition
图 6 梧州(a)、河源(b)5月22日08时温度对数压力图
探空站位置如图 2a所示。
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