摘要: 利用2017年2月-2018年10月地基微波辐射计和无线电探空仪、闪电和雷达数据, 首先评估了微波辐射计温度和绝对湿度在不同高度的探测性能, 微波辐射计和无线电探空仪不同高度的温度的相关系数为0.800~0.985, 绝对湿度的相关系数为0.600~0.916;微波辐射计温度的标准差为3.9~6.1℃, 绝对湿度的标准差为0~4 g/m3, 无线电探空仪温度的标准差为4.2~6.1℃, 绝对湿度的标准差为0.1~4.2 g/m3; 微波辐射计和无线电探空仪温度绝对误差的标准差为1.06~2.90℃, 绝对湿度绝对误差的标准差为0.08~2.02 g/m3。二者K指数相关系数为0.945。其次利用K指数上升和下降到35℃的时次和不同距离闪电开始和结束时次做相关性分析, 结果表明在30 km处具有最大的相关系数(0.864), 这可能就是微波辐射计温度和湿度在复杂山地下雷暴天气中能够代表的大气层结的有效距离。最后统计分析了微波辐射计K指数上升达35℃时, 90%上游移向微波辐射计的雷暴回波(30 dBZ雷达回波超过-15℃高度层)距离微波辐射计平均距离为35.3 km, 移到微波辐射计附近平均需要92.8分钟, 局地雷暴(40 km以内)生成需要138.2分钟。Abstract: By using the data of ground-based microwave radiometer (MWR), radiosonde, lightning location system and radar from February 2017 to October 2018, we first evaluated temperature and absolute humidity detection performance of MWR at different altitude. It shows that the correlation coefficients of temperature between MWR and radiosonde are 0.800~0.985, and those of absolute humidity are 0.600~0.916; the standard deviations of temperature and absolute humidity of MWR are 3.9~6.1℃ and 0~4 g/m3, and those of radiosonde are 4.2~6.1℃ and 0.1~4.2 g/m3. Standard deviations of absolute error of temperature between MWR and radiosonde are 1.06~2.90℃, and those of absolute humidity are 0.08~2.02 g/m3. The correlation coefficients of K index between MWR and radiosonde is 0.945. Second, we evaluated the correlation coefficients of hours when K index derived from MWR rose and fell to 35℃ and when thunderstorms began and ended at different distances. It shows that the maximum correlation coefficient (0.864) is found at areas 30 km from the MWR, which may be taken as the areas over which the temperature and humidity measured by MWR is considered to be representative of the atmospheric conditions. Finally, statistical analysis shows that 90% of the thunderstorm echoes moving upstream to the MWR are 35.3 km away from the radiometer when K index of MWR rises to 35℃. Thunderstorm echoes refer to those where 30 dBZ radar echoes exceed the -15℃ level height. It takes 92.8 minutes on average for the thunderstorm echoes moving upstream to reach the vicinity of the MWR, and it takes 138.2 minutes for local thunderstorms within a range of 40 km to form.
Key words:
- microwave radiometer /
- K index /
- thunderstorm /
- effective detection distance /
- mountainous terrain
表 1 100 km以外移向微波辐射计的雷暴个例微波辐射计K指数上升达35 ℃时的时间和雷暴回波与微波辐射计距离、雷暴回波与微波辐射计距离30 km和距离最小时刻的时间以及三者的时间差
年月日K指数上升达35 ℃
时30 dBZ回波与
微波辐射计距离30 dBZ回波距
30 km时间35 dBZ回波与微
上升达35 ℃
人30 km时的时间差微波辐射计K指数上升达
35℃与30 dBZ回波最接
近微波辐射计时的时间差170522 30.6 21:57 23:58 21:32 25 146 170621 40.3 22:09 23:34 21:37 32 117 170731 87.0 11:55 12:16 09:58 117 122 170420 21.6 22:40 23:54 22:52 -12 62 170507 57.3 21:19 22:33 20:23 56 130 170611 36.0 11:05 12:51 09:46 79 42 170612 22.4 01:36 02:45 01:51 -15 54 180312 42.3 20:30 22:01 19:51 39 45 180316 37.0 22:39 23:02 22:20 19 42 180821 30.6 09:43 11:38 08:50 53 168 平均 40.5 — — — 39 93 表 2 微波辐射计K指数上升达35 ℃及局地雷暴回波生成时间及二者时间差
日期/年月日 170723 170728 170729 180313 180723 180725 180803 180804 180805 180811 平均 微波辐射计K指数
上升达35℃时间12:35 11:06 09:31 14:20 10:23 15:01 11:44 08:31 09:05 09:20 — 雷达30 dBZ回
波生成时间14:05 14:42 13:02 16:52 13:03 17:32 13:34 09:49 10:22 11:47 — 二者时间差 90 216 211 152 160 151 110 78 77 137 138.2 -
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