摘要: 利用美国国家飓风中心(National Hurricane Center, NHC)的Best Track Data (HURDAT2)数据和美国国家预报中心/大气研究中心(NCEP/NCAR)大气再分析资料, 运用广义平衡反馈分析方法(GEFA), 研究多个海盆主要海表温度异常(SSTA)模对北大西洋热带气旋生成频数(TCGN)气候变率的强迫作用。(1)北大西洋TCGN的气候变率对北大西洋三极型模态(NA1)和太平洋mega-ENSO式模态(P1)具有显著的响应, 对应的响应振幅分别为0.45和-0.28, 即当NA1(P1)的时间系数增加(减小)1个标准差时, 北大西洋TCGN将增加0.45(0.28)个。(2) TCGN对NA1、P1的气候变率、年代际变率有显著响应, 但对年际变率响应不显著。(3)北大西洋TCGN在1995年前后发生异常变化, 从平均8个增加到12.6个, NA1、P1对1995年后的TCGN异常增加的贡献分别为27%、45%。(4) NA1对北大西洋TC环境场的强迫中心多集中在20 °N附近, 而P1的多位于20 °N以南以及墨西哥湾地区, 为TC生成提供有利的动力和热力条件。
- 北大西洋热带气旋生成频数 /
- GEFA /
Abstract: IContribution of major sea surface temperature anomaly(SSTA)modes to tropical cyclone genesis frequency(TCGN)over North Atlantic are analyzed based on the Best Track Data(HURDAT2)of National Hurricane Center(NHC) in 1970-2017、the monthly mean SST data of Hadley Center of sea ice and SST、NCEP/NCAR reanalysis monthly mean data and the generalized equilibrium feedback assessment (GEFA) method. The main conclusions are as follows(:1) TCGN climatic variability in North Atlantic has a significant response to NA1 and P1, the feedback intensities are 0.45 and -0.28(. 2) TCGN interdecadal variability in North Atlantic has a significant response to NA1 and P1, but the response is non-significant when it comes to interannual variability.(3)The average of TCGN in 1970-1995 is 8, while it rises to 12.6 in the later period. The contributions of NA1 and P1 in the later period GEFA are 27% and 45%.(4) When it comes to the local environment, the significant response areas to NA1 are located in 20 °N. And the significant response areas to P1 are located in south of 20 °N and the gulf of Mexico. -
表 1 各海盆SST前三个模态的方差贡献率及其累积贡献率(%)
方差贡献 P TI NA EOF1 51.1 28.7 25.9 EOF2 10 18.1 16.7 EOF3 7.1 11.8 10.1 EOF1+EOF2+EOF3 68.2 58.6 52.7 表 2 SSTA EOF主模态响应值对北大西洋TCGN气候变率、年际变率、年代际变率的方差贡献
主模态响应值 P1 P2 P3 TI1 TI2 TI3 NA1 NA2 NA3 气候变率 7.71% 0.66% 6.90% 5.42% 1.86% 0.03% 23.51% 0.01% 8.21% 年际 4.23% 5.83% 1.02% 0.53% 2.01% 0 5.27% 2.21% 7.93% 年代际 14.29% 1.33% 0.03% 1.39% 3.83% 0.01% 22.94% 3.54% 4.74% -
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