摘要: 为科学指导广东青枣种植及其精细化管理, 以青枣生长发育对光、温、水的需求指标为依据, 结合广东实际生产气候条件, 构建了青枣种植的光、温、水和气候适宜度模型, 定量评价1961-2019年广东青枣各生育期和全生育期的气候适宜度。(1)除清远和韶关北部山区因地势高易受极端低温影响外, 广东大部地区气候条件适宜种植青枣。(2)广东种植青枣历年气候适宜度介于0.49~0.66, 各气候因子气候适宜度以温度最高, 日照次之, 降水最低。(3)青枣各生育期以花期和抽梢期气候适宜度最高, 发芽期次之, 果实生长期和果实成熟期最低; 温度和日照适宜度由高到低的顺序为:花期>抽梢期>果实生长期>发芽期>果实成熟期; 降水适宜度由高到低的顺序为:抽梢期>花期>发芽期>果实成熟期>果实生长期。(4)降水是广东种植青枣的主要限制因子, 对果实生长期和果实成熟期的影响更显著, 未来青枣种植要十分注意秋冬季节的水分调控。Abstract: In order to provide scientific guidance for Zizyphus mauritiana Lam. planting and its fine management in Guangdong Province, the present study established the sunshine, temperature, precipitation and general climatic suitability models by analyzing the demand of sunshine, temperature and precipitation for the growth and development of Zizyphus mauritiana Lam. and the climatic conditions in Guangdong. Climatic suitability of Zizyphus mauritiana Lam. in Guangdong from 1961 to 2019 was calculated by using these models. The results were as follows. (1) Except for the north of Qingyuan and Shaoguan City, which were susceptible to extreme low temperature due to high altitude, the climate conditions in most areas of Guangdong were suitable for Zizyphus mauritiana Lam. planting. (2) Climatic suitability over the years for Zizyphus mauritiana Lam. planting in Guangdong ranged from 0.49 to 0.66. As for the climatic factors?suitability, temperature suitability was the highest, followed by those of sunshine and precipitation. (3) The climatic suitability during the blooming stage and sprouting stage were the highest, followed by those during the germination stage, fruit development stage and fruit maturity stage. The order of temperature and sunshine suitability from high to low was those during the blooming stage, sprouting stage, fruit development stage, germination stage, and fruit maturity stage, while the order of precipitation suitability from high to low was those during the sprouting stage, blooming stage, germination stage, fruit maturity stage, and fruit development stage. (4) Precipitation was a key climatic factor limiting the growth of Zizyphus mauritiana Lam., especially for fruit development stage and fruit maturity stage. Therefore, water management in autumn and winter should be paid great attention to in the future.
Key words:
- Zizyphus mauritiana Lam. /
- growing stage /
- climatic suitability /
- model /
- evaluation /
- Guangdong Province
表 1 青枣各生育期温度、降水、日照适宜度模型参数
生育期 时间/月 T1/℃ T0/℃ T2/℃ R0*/mm S0*/h B 发芽期 4 15 25.0 30 13.6 3.3 0.5 抽梢期 4-5 15 25.0 30 14.2 3.2 0.5 花期 6-10 18 28.0 35 11.5 6.4 0.7 果实生长期 10-12 8 22.5 35 15.1 6.2 0.9 果实成熟期 12-2(次年) 5 20.0 35 10.2 6.1 1.0 *:R0和S0为日指标。 -
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