摘要: 利用常规观测资料、卫星FY-2G逐时TBB资料,采用WRF中尺度数值模式,对2016年5月5日湘桂粤边界南岭山脉的一次强西南急流背景下预报失败的暖区大暴雨过程(简称16·5过程,下同)进行数值模拟和诊断分析,研究了南岭山脉特殊地形对此次暖区降水过程的动力结构、水汽输送和云降水微物理机制的影响。结果表明,中低层西南气流由于受到南岭多处山脉地形的阻挡、侧摩擦和峡谷等效应的影响反复出现强烈辐合区,导致连续出现超强的水汽辐合中心,造成了湘桂粤边界暖区大暴雨的发生;在南岭特殊地形导致的动力、水汽条件下和有利于云内微物理过程发展的环境下,局地对流云系强烈发展与大尺度西南气流引导的深厚高层冰相云系结合后,云内的过冷云水在强盛的上升气流作用下抬升,丰富的过冷云水有利于贝吉隆过程和结凇进程,促进云内固态粒子增长,这是导致此次暖区大暴雨发生的重要云微物理内因。Abstract: Based on conventional observational data and the hourly black body temperature (TBB) data from FY-2G satellite, a warm-sector heavy rainfall process under strong low-level southwest jet, which failed to be predicted in practice, is numerically simulated and diagnosed using the WRF mesoscale numerical model. The process occurred over Nanling Mountains (the border of Hunan, Guangxi and Guangdong) on May 5, 2016 (referred to as 16·5 process). The effects of special topography of Nanling Mountains on the dynamic structure, water vapor transport and cloud and precipitation microphysical mechanism of 16·5 process are studied. The results show that due to the blocking of mountain terrains, lateral friction and canyon effects in the Nanling Mountains, strong convergence areas repeatedly appear in the middle and lower levels of the southwest airflow, causing continuous occurrences of super-strong watervapor convergence centers and leading to heavy rainfalls in the warm sector at the border of Hunan, Guangxi and Guangdong. Under the dynamic and water-vapor conditions caused by the special topography of Nanling Mountains and the environment conducive to the development of cloud microphysical processes, the strong development of local convective cloud system is combined with the deep high-level ice cloud system guided by large-scale southwest jet. Thus, the super-cold water in the cloud rises under the action of strong updraft. Abundant super-cold water is conducive to the process of Bergeron, the rime formation process, and the growing of solid particles in the cloud, which is an important internal cause of the occurrence of the 16·5 process.
图 10 沿图 9 AB(a:5日00时, b:5日03时)和CD(c:5日02时, d:5日03时) 红色实线的水汽、动力相关参数垂直剖面
水汽通量散度:彩色填色,单位:10-7 g/(hPa·cm2·s);垂直合成流场:流线,为方便分析垂直速度W×10;地形:黑色阴影;黑色实线:涡度,单位:10-4·s-1;蓝色实线:垂直速度,单位:m/s;红色实线:比湿g/kg;紫红色实线:散度,单位:10-4·s-1。图a、b三角形:桂林对应经度位置,图c、d三角形:道县对应经度位置。
图 11 沿图 9中AB线(a:5日00时, b:5日02时, c:5日03时)和CD(d:5日01时, e:5日02时, f:5日03时)的云微物理参量演变垂直剖面
黄-红填色:云水混合比;黑色实线:雨水混合比;绿色实线:雪混合比;蓝色实线:冰晶混合比;紫红色实线:霰混合比,单位:g/kg;红色实线:等温度线,单位:℃;流线:垂直合成流场, 为方便分析垂直速度W×10。
表 1 模拟风场不同层次与高空实测风场相关系数及置信检验结果
时间 高度层/hPa u分量 v分量 u分量Z检验 v分量Z检验 检验站数/个 4日20时 925 0.598 0.897 3.906 8.242 35 4日20时 850 0.847 0.856 7.468 7.658 39 4日20时 700 0.939 0.747 11.182 6.267 45 4日20时 500 0.950 0.916 12.274 10.502 48 4日20时 200 0.933 0.908 11.397 10.298 49 5日08时 925 0.618 0.743 4.020 5.323 34 5日08时 850 0.870 0.823 8.100 7.098 40 5日08时 700 0.928 0.829 10.798 7.768 46 5日08时 500 0.905 0.812 10.169 7.675 49 5日08时 200 0.770 0.768 6.916 6.880 49 -
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