摘要: 目前云对卫星相对湿度廓线反演精度的影响研究大多是针对云量,对其他云属性的影响研究尚少,云高也是影响卫星相对湿度廓线反演精度的重要因素。利用上海宝山站L波段(1型)加密探空资料,分析了上海地区7—9月不同质量控制标识、云量和云顶高度条件下大气红外探测器AIRS/Aqua (Atmospheric Infrared Sounder) 相对湿度廓线的反演精度,以期为今后开展AIRS等卫星资料的同化研究提供科学依据。结果表明:(1)AIRS相对湿度廓线反演误差随着云量的增加而逐渐增大,并且随着气压值的升高,少云与多云时的均方根误差(Root Mean Squared Error, RMSE)之差有逐渐增大的趋势;(2)云顶高度越高,AIRS相对湿度廓线反演精度越差,云顶以上湿度廓线反演精度更高,而云顶以下高度的反演误差较大;(3)高云且多云时,AIRS相对湿度廓线的反演精度最差,850 hPa处,AIRS相对湿度反演数据与探空资料绝对误差的下限达到了[-63.51%];(4)虽然质量控制标识为0时,AIRS湿度廓线在对流层范围内的反演精度仍达不到无线电探空的水平,但是相对于质量控制标识1时,反演精度明显提高。Abstract: At present, most of the studies on the influence of cloud on the retrieval accuracy of satellite relative humidity (RH) profiles are mainly concerned with cloud fraction, while there are few studies on the influence of other cloud attributes. Cloud top height is also an important factor affecting the retrieval accuracy of satellite RH profiles. In this study, the L-band encrypted radiosonde data from Shanghai Baoshan Station was used to analyze the accuracy of AIRS/Aqua (Atmospheric Infrared Sounder) retrieved RH profiles under different quality control and cloud conditions from July to September. The purpose of this study is to make preparation for the assimilation of relevant data and to assess the influence of AIRS RH products on the accuracy of regional numerical prediction. The results show that: (1) The error of the AIRS retrieved RH profiles gradually increases with the increase of cloud fraction. With the increase of atmospheric pressure, the difference of the root mean squared errors of RH in each pressure layer tends to increase gradually when there are few clouds or it is cloudy. (2) The higher the cloud top height is, the worse the accuracy of AIRS retrieved RH profiles is. The retrieval accuracy of RH profiles above cloud top is higher, while the retrieval error below cloud top is larger. (3) Under high-level cloud and cloudy conditions, the accuracy of the AIRS retrieved RH profiles is the worst. At 850hPa, the minimum absolute error between the RH data retrieved by AIRS and the radiosonde data reaches -63.51%. (4) Although the accuracy of AIRS retrieved RH profiles in the troposphere is not as high as that of radiosonde when the quality control is 0, the retrieval accuracy is obviously improved compared with that when the quality control is 1.
Key words:
- AIRS/Aqua /
- relative humidity profiles /
- encrypted sounding data /
- cloud fraction /
- cloud top height
表 1 2018年7—9月AIRS和探空数据的相对湿度廓线精度比较
气压层/hPa 相关系数R P(F检验) 相对湿度MB/% 相对湿度RMSE/% 相对湿度样本数 50 0.45 1.92x10-3 -16.18 17.89 46 70 0.45 1.61X10-3 -8.38 11.98 47 100 0.51 2.93x10-4 18.85 25.80 47 150 0.52 1.23x10-4 13.92 19.80 49 200 0.57 2.30x10-5 10.00 16.69 49 250 0.73 3.40x10-9 11.27 17.87 48 300 0.71 1.48x10-8 10.49 20.64 48 400 0.82 3.64x10-12 8.44 16.60 46 500 0.75 2.66x10-9 6.35 16.55 45 600 0.82 1.00x10-11 -0.60 16.50 44 700 0.76 6.31x10-9 -8.31 20.12 42 850 0.26 0.11 -16.23 26.44 39 925 0.44 4.74x10-3 -10.83 17.74 40 1 000 0.42 7.82x10-3 5.17 14.46 39 -
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