摘要: 利用1979—2019年国家级气象观测站日降水资料、ERA5再分析资料以及CMA热带气旋最佳路径集,对51例发生在广西的汛期大范围持续性强降水过程进行了统计分析与天气学分型研究,重点探索了不同类型过程的关键环流特征与锋生结构差异。主要研究结论如下:大范围持续性强降水过程有华北槽、南支槽、低涡切变、副高边缘、热带气旋以及季风低压等六种主要类型,均以稳定天气环流背景为共同特征。华北槽型发生频率最高,南支槽型平均持续时间最长且平均影响范围最广。华北槽、南支槽和低涡切变型过程的降水强度相当,主要落区在桂东北,由该区特殊地形及其与冷暖空气交绥共同作用而引起锋生,较强锋生起始高度较高且不深厚,但在中低层都存在一定干冷空气的侵入,尤以华北槽型最明显,有利于增强大气不稳定度以及锋生发展;另外,南支槽型在沿海伴有暖区雨带。副高边缘、热带气旋和季风低压型降水强度较大,主要落区位于桂南,大多则由地形抬升暖空气、狭管效应以及地形摩擦辐合作用而引起锋生,触发和维持高效的暖云降水,后两者强锋生起始高度较低且深厚,暖云降水效率更高,而南支槽型沿海锋生区和副高边缘型强锋生相较浅薄。Abstract: Based on the daily precipitation data from national meteorological stations, ERA5 reanalysis data and the CMA Tropical Cyclone Best Track Dataset during 1979-2019, this paper sets out to conduct statistical analysis and synoptic classification of 51 large-scale persistent severe rainfall (LPSR) events during the rainy season in Guangxi Autonomous Region, and study the key circulation characteristics and differences in frontogenetic structure. The main conclusions are as follows: There are six synoptic types of the LPSR events, namely North China Trough (NCT), South Branch Trough (SBT), Low Vortex & Shear (LVS), Subtropical High Edge (SHE), Tropical Cyclone (TC) and Monsoon Depression (MD), all of which are characterized by a background of stable synoptic circulation. The NCT has the highest frequency, and the SBT has the longest average duration and the widest average influence range. The precipitation intensity of NCT, SBT and LVS is almost the same, and their precipitation areas overlap in northeast Guangxi. The frontogenesis is caused by the special terrain of this area and its interaction with cold and warm air. The initial height of strong frontogenesis is higher and shallow. There are some intrusions of dry and cold air in the middle and low layers, especially in the NCT, and such intrusions increase atmospheric instability and induce frontogenesis development. Moreover, SBT is accompanied by warm rain belt along the coast. The precipitation intensity of SHE, TC and MD is more intense, and their main precipitation area is in southern Guangxi. In these cases, the frontogenesis is mostly caused by the warm air lifted by the terrain, the narrow tube effect, and the friction convergence, which triggers and maintains efficient warm cloud precipitation. The initial height of strong frontogenesis of the latter two are lower and deeper, and their efficiency of warm cloud precipitation is higher, while the strong frontogenesis of the SBT's coastal frontogenesis area and SHE are relatively shallower.
表 1 各类型统计情况表
分型 出现频次(年频率) 平均持续时间/d 最长持续时间/d 平均影响范围/站数 最大影响范围/站数 最大日降水量/mm 华北槽型 13(0.32) 3.8 6 47.8 63 336.4 南支槽型 7(0.17) 6.3 11 53.4 72 369.4 低涡切变型 11(0.27) 3.8 6 45.9 58 270.3 副高边缘型 6(0.15) 4.2 5 47.0 53 360.9 热带气旋型 10(0.24) 4.2 8 48.0 65 509.2 季风低压型 4(0.10) 5.5 8 50.8 56 313.2 -
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