摘要: 基于X波段相控阵雷达、S波段双偏振雷达、微波辐射计、风廓线雷达、毫米波云雷达等多源高时空分辨率新型遥感探测资料,对广州后汛期一次局地强对流过程的大气热力、动力及云物理结构变化特征进行了综合分析。结果表明:(1) 强对流前8小时前,局地LI、CAPE、SI等对流参数就达到并远远超过了短时强降水的阈值;临近降水大气层结仍向不稳定发展,水汽条件向有利的方向发展; (2) 午后局地风形成辐合,上升气流加强,近地层出现弱垂直风切变和低空急流脉动,对强对流的发生发展有一定的指示意义; (3) CINRAD/SA-D雷达CR、DBZM HT、TOPS、VIL等变化与强降水和地面大风的发展有很好的对应关系,同时低层风场观测到阵风锋特征;XPAR-D雷达更高时空分辨率的探测可清晰显示对流发展旺盛阶段的ZDR弧、KDP柱、ZDR柱、V型缺口等特征,为判断雷暴云团的发展程度和预警提供重要信息。Abstract: Based on multi-source high temporal and spatial resolution new remote sensing detection data such as X-band phased array radar, S-band dual-polarization radar, microwave radiometer, wind profiler radar, millimeter-wave cloud radar, etc. Atmospheric thermal, dynamic and cloud physical structure change characteristics are comprehensively analyzed. The results are shown as follows: (1) Eight hours before strong convection, local LI, CAPE, SI and other convective parameters reached or exceeded the short-term heavy precipitation threshold. Before the precipitation approached, the atmosphere tended to be unstable, and the water vapor condition developed in a favorable direction. (2) Local winds converged in the afternoon, updraft strengthened, a weak vertical wind shear and low-level jet pulsation appeared in the nearsurface layer, which were somewhat indicative for the occurrence and development of strong convection.(3) The changes of CR, DBZM HT, TOPS, and VIL of the CINRAD/SA-D had a good corresponding relationship with the development of heavy precipitation and ground wind, while, the characteristics of gust fronts were observed in the low-level wind field. The detection of XPAR-D with higher spatial and temporal resolution clearly showed the characteristics of ZDR arc, KDP column, ZDR column, and V-shaped notch in the stage of vigorous convection development provide important information for judging how well thunderstorm cloud clusters developed and their early warning.
Key words:
- phased array radar /
- dual polarization radar /
- vertical structure /
- strong local convection /
- Guangzhou
表 1 强天气参数阈值和无天气参数常值
参数 短时强降水 非短时强降水常值 LI/℃ -1.15 0.15 CAPE/(J/kg) 299.10 13.60 SI/℃ -1.58 -0.55 TTI/℃ 46.43 42.35 LWP/(g/m2) 137.80 -88.37 IWV/(kg/m2) 63.32 35.93 -
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