Dynamic Changes in Sunshine Duration and its Relationship with Atmospheric Circulation in China During 1960—2018
摘要: 日照时数是反映太阳辐射强弱的重要指标,是衡量一个地区太阳能开发潜力的重要依据,同时也是表征气候变化的重要气候要素之一,分析日照时数变化及其影响因素对于农业生产、太阳能资源开发具有重要意义。基于中国595个气象站点1960—2018年逐日日照时数数据,选取3个指数(年平均日照时数、日照时数≥ 3 h·d-1的天数和日照时数≥6 h·d-1的天数)量化日照时数变化,并分析了中国日照时数指数变化趋势及其与大气环流的关系。(1) 中国日照时数空间分布不均,日照时数高的地区分布在青藏、西北、华北地区。青海冷湖是中国年平均日照时数最长和日照时数≥6 h·d-1的天数最多的区域;四川盆地是中国年平均日照时数最短、日照时数≥3 h·d-1和≥6 h·d-1的天数最少的区域。中国年平均日照时数、日照时数≥3 h·d-1和≥6 h·d-1天数由最低值的四川盆地向高纬度、高海拔地区增加。(2) 1960—2018年中国年平均日照时数、日照时数≥3 h·d-1和≥6 h·d-1天数均呈显著减少趋势(P < 0.001),其中东北的南部、华北地区、华南地区及新疆的中部地区日照时数指数均呈显著下降趋势(P < 0.001);而青藏高原、黄土高原和云贵高原的大部分地区日照时数呈不显著上升趋势。(3) 日照时数变化受大气环流的影响显著。日照时数年际变化与亚洲区极涡强度指数呈显著正相关(P < 0.001),与北极涛动指数和西太平洋副高强度指数呈显著负相关。中国东部地区大气环流主要通过影响天气进而影响日照时数变化的。研究结果可为区域太阳能资源合理开发利用和日照时数变化预测提供参考。Abstract: Daily sunshine duration data in 595 meteorological stations from 1960 to 2018 in China was used in this study. We selected three indexes including annual average sunshine duration, days with sunshine duration ≥3 h·d-1 and days with sunshine duration ≥6 h·d-1 to quantify the change of sunshine duration. Moreover, the changing trend of solar energy resources in China and its relationship with atmospheric circulation were analyzed. The results are as follows: (1) The spatial distribution of sunshine duration is uneven in China, and the sunshine duration is high in Qinghai-Tibet, Northwest and North China. The Cold Lake in Qinghai is the region with the longest average sunshine duration and the most days with sunshine duration ≥6 h·d-1 in China. The Sichuan Basin is the region with the least annual average sunshine duration and days with sunshine duration ≥3 h·d-1 and days with sunshine duration ≥6 h· d-1. The annual average sunshine duration, days with sunshine duration ≥3 h·d-1 and days with sunshine duration ≥6 h·d-1 increase from the lowest Sichuan Basin to the higher latitude and higher altitude areas.(2) Annual average sunshine duration, days with sunshine duration ≥3 h·d-1 and days with sunshine duration ≥6 h·d-1 all show significant decreasing trends in China from 1960 to 2018 (P < 0.001). The annual sunshine duration in Northeast China, North China, South China and the central region of Xinjiang showed a significantly downward trend. However, it exhibited an increasing trend in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, Loess Plateau and Yunnan-Kweichow Plateau. (3) The change of sunshine duration was significantly affected by atmospheric circulation. Interannual variation of sunshine duration was significantly and positively correlated with the intensity index of a polar vortex in Asia(P<0.001), and significantly and negatively correlated with the Arctic Oscillation index and the intensity index of a subtropical high in the western Pacific. The atmospheric circulation in eastern China mainly affects the change of sunshine duration by affecting the weather. These research results can provide important references for rational development and utilization of regional solar energy resources and prediction of sunshine duration change.
表 1 日照时数与大气环流的相关系数
季节 北极涛动 东亚季风 西太平洋副高强度 亚洲区极涡强度 春 -0.18 0.20 -0.29* 0.12 夏 -0.31* 0.31* -0.50*** 0.57*** 秋 -0.32* -0.09 -0.03 0.44*** 冬 -0.31* -0.10 -0.04 0.34** 年 -0.44*** 0.14 -0.37** 0.60*** -
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