Precipitation Characteristics and DSAEF_LTP Model Precipitation Simulation of Typhoons Affecting Yunnan Province
摘要: 针对云南地区,利用1960—2019年中国气象局上海台风研究所台风最佳路径资料、国家气象信息中心地面逐日降水资料进行统计分析,研究了影响云南的221个历史台风活动特征和降水特征,并基于登陆台风的动力统计相似集合预报(DSAEF_LTP)模型对2016—2019年的5个目标台风进行模拟,结果显示:(1) 平均每年有3.7个台风影响云南,数量呈现减少趋势;影响季节主要集中在7—9月,其中7—8月最盛;影响期间最大强度以强热带风暴和台风级别为主。影响路径通常为西北行和西行路径,登陆点多集中在海南岛、广东西部和广西沿海,移动到云南的台风较少;(2) 221个影响云南的历史台风中共有119个产生暴雨量级的日降水,台风暴雨平均日降水量比普通暴雨更大。从空间分布来看,云南北部台风暴雨频次相对较高,但极值降水更易发生在云南南部;(3) DSAEF_LTP模型整体预报效果较好,成功模拟出了台风的降水中心,且相对数值模式预报结果具有一定优势,对云南的台风强降水预报有指示意义。
- 台风 /
- 暴雨特征 /
- 降水模拟 /
- 云南
Abstract: Based on the best track data from the Shanghai Typhoon Institute of China Meteorological Administration for the period 1960-2019 and daily precipitation data from the National Meteorological Information Center, this study investigated the characteristics of 221 historical typhoons affecting Yunnan province. Furthermore, the Dynamical-Statistical-Analog Ensemble Forecast Model for Landfalling Typhoon Precipitation was employed to simulate the precipitation of five target typhoons from 2016 to 2019. The results are as follows. (1) Over the past five decades, 3.7 typhoons have affected Yunnan every year, and typhoons have become less frequent. The peak typhoon season was from July to September, with the highest typhoon activities in July and August. The majority of typhoons that affected Yunnan were strong tropical storms and typhoons. Their tracks were mainly northwest and westbound, with landing locations mostly concentrated along the coast of Hainan Island, western Guangdong and Guangxi. (2) Out of the 221 historical typhoons, 119 produced daily precipitation at the rainstorm level, and the average daily precipitation during typhoon rainstorms exceeded that of ordinary rainstorms. Spatially, the frequency of typhoon-induced rainstorms was relatively higher in northern Yunnan, while extreme precipitation events were more likely to occur in southern Yunnan. (3) The DSAEF_LTP model demonstrated good overall performance, successfully simulating the precipitation center of these typhoons. The model's results exhibited certain advantages over those of numerical models and may facilitate the prediction of strong precipitation associated with typhoons in Yunnan.-
Key words:
- typhoon /
- rainstorm characteristics /
- DSAEF_LTP Model /
- precipitation simulation /
- Yunnan Province
表 1 台风样本信息
编号 台风名称 累积降水量/mm 日最大降水量/mm 1608 DIANMU(电母) 76.2 51.7 1713 HATO(天鸽) 189.9 95.7 1809 SON-TINH(山神) 123.1 105.2 1904 MUN(木恩) 192 192 1907 WIPHA(韦帕) 117.1 88.8 表 2 DSAEF_LTP模型参数表
参数名称 取值方式 参数取值个数 起报时刻(P1) LTC第一次在陆地上产生降水当天12:00 UTC及00:00 UTC以及前一天的12:00UTC 3 相似区域(P2) TSAI参数之一,长方形,其对角点分别为降水起报时刻前0、12、24、36或48 h的台风位置,和最大预报时刻前0、6或12 h的台风位置,由此可确定15个相似区域;将起报时刻的台风位置定为长方形东南顶点,作边长为2 000 km正方形为第16种相似区域;再取此相似区域与第一种相似区域西南角的中点为点a,东北角的中点为点b,以a、b为对角点的矩形作为第17种相似区域;将第16种相似区域整体移动,直至其东南角到达a点作为第18种相似区域,其东北角到达b点作为第19种相似区域,其西北角到达第17种相似区域的西北角作为第20种相似区域[42] 20 纬度极值点 TSAI参数之一,可取值0.1、0.2和0.3 3 分割度阈值(P3) 重叠度阈值(P4) TSAI参数之一,可取值0.9、0.8、……和0.4 6 登陆季节相似(P5) 代表 1—12月、5—11月、7—9月、和目标台风同月和相差15天之内登陆 5 强度相似(P6) 强度指标4类:(陆地)台风降水过程第一天的平均与最大强度(风速)、降水过程平均与最大强度
强度相似取值有5种:所有级别、同级别及以上、同级别及以下、仅同级、最大可差1个级别4×5 被集合的最佳相似台风个数(P7) 可取值1~10个 10 集合预报方案(P8) 平均值、最大值、最优百分位方法、概率匹配平均、等差权重集合平均、基于TSAI指数的非等差权重集合平均 6 方案总数 3×20×3×6×5×4×5×10×6=6 480 000 -
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