摘要: 利用地理信息系统及程序计算得到了1949—2008年登陆中国大陆的热带气旋(TC)登陆点经纬度信息,在此基础上对登陆中国大陆的TC进行分析,最终选择110~122 °E海岸线为研究区域,7—9月为研究时段,且将110~122 °E海岸线以1 °E为间隔划分为12段,分析这12段海岸线登陆TC的基本特征发现:118 °E以东的区间TC登陆前后平均维持时间及登陆前平均强度基本上为大于118 °E以西的区间,登陆后平均强度东西两段相差不大;定义了TC登陆前(后)破坏潜力指数TDP1(TDP2),TDP1(TDP2)最大值出现在区间[119,120 °E)([110,111 °E));ENSO事件对7—9月登陆110~122 °E段的TC频数、平均登陆点位置影响并不明显,对各区间登陆TC的影响也不尽相同;各区间平均TDP1冷暖事件年对比差别较大,平均TDP2在暖事件年基本上比冷事件年大;1961—2008年,各区间对应的暴雨总站次,118 °E以东的区间要远大于以西的区间,就空间分布而言,较大值的分布出现在区间[119,120 °E),[110,111 °E)。Abstract: By using ArcGis and FORTRAN routine, we get detailed information about the location (longitude and latitude) of the tropical cyclones (TCs) making landfall on the Chinese continent from 1949 to 2008. The southeast coastline (110~122 °E) with more landfall TCs was selected as the study region and divided into 12 subsections with 1 ° intervals of longitude. The duration from July to September in each of the years was the study period. The result showed that the average sustaining time before and after TC made landfall on the subsections east of 118°E was longer than those west of it. Before landfall, the average TC intensity of the subsections east of 118°E was stronger than that west of it; but after landfall, the difference between the west and east was not obvious. The index of destructive potential for the period before/after landfall was defined as TDP1/TDP2. The maximum of TDP1/TDP2 occurred in the subsection of 119, 120 °E/110, 111 °E. The impact of ENSO event on the landfall TC frequency and average location of the whole region at 110~122 °E was not obvious, but it was different for the subsections. The average TDP1 of the subsections in an ENSO event varied, but it is larger in warm events than in cold events for TDP2. The rainstorm days of each station caused by TCs from different subsections were counted respectively. The results suggested that the rainstorm days of the subsections east of 118 °E were much more than that west of it. Larger values were mainly distributed in the subsections of 119, 120 °E and 110, 111 °E.
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