A sumary study on typhoon activity in the northwestern pacific for the latest hundred years has been made by using an Automatic Typhoon Data Retrieval and pictorial Output System which built up at FACOMM-360R computer in Beijing MeteorologicalCenter. The results are as follows.1 The 8 stages for typhoon activities could be seen in an anuual variations which are 1) quiet period, 2) low-frequency period, 3) the first leap period, 4) the second leap period,5)steady hignfrequency period, 6)decline period for high-frequency activity, 7) second little peak value period and 8) decline period.2 Seasonal changes for the movement characteristics of landfalling typhoon have been discussed.3 The data of iandfalling typhoon for 30 Chinese coast stations have been given.4 The distribution and seasonal change maximum intensity of W. N. Pacific typhoons in the different waters have been discussed.