As part of TOGA programme, Chinese and American scientists investigated waters within 18°N-10°S and 120-165°E in the tropical West Pacific in the early summer of 1990. The data obtained, including overall and net radiation, sea and air temperature, air pressure, humidity, dew points, winds, clouds and sea heights, are used to determine 24 hr net radiation intensity, fluxes of sensible and latent heat, net heat and momentum fluxes in terms of their diurnal mean and total amounts for fine days, overcast (rain y)days, a latitudinal profile along 165°E,a longitudinal profile along the equator and the whole investigated region. Comparisons of the tropical west Pcific with the eastern part of the ocean indicate that more solar rediative energy is acquired in the western part than in the eastern part, one of the immediate causes for the formation of the warm water pools there.