Some recent studies of the Mei-Yu (lengthy rain) periods for the Yangtze River valley have shown that the distribution of heating sources and sinks and pricipitation nature vary from year to year and differences among individual areas of interest, weather patterns and temporal?spacial scales are great for vertical distributions of budgets. Planar fitting is used in this paper to determine the averaged temporal-spacial heat, moisture and momentum for a heavy rain process within the Mei-Yu period in the areas south of the Yangtze through June 27 to July 4,1989. Its vertical distribution is as follows: (1) The peak of the apparent heat source (Q
1) was found to be at the 400-500 hPa layer with heating rate at 16.8℃/day, while the peak of the apparent moisture sink (Q
2) was located at the 500-600 hPa layer with its order of magnitudes being 14.5℃/day. The vertical distribution of Q
1 and Q
2 indicate the importance of condensation heating and vertical transport of convection. (2) Positive apparent westerly momentum below 600 hPa accompanying negative values above it revealed an upward transport of the easterly momentum. Negative southerly momentum below 400 hPa with positive values above it showed an upward transport of southerly momentum.