By analyzing two kinds of meso-scale low vortices with heavy rainfall, the comparison study of their physical structure, energy variation and conversions has been made. It indicates that for the landing tropical cyclone, the temperature-pressure field is more symmetric with very strong upward motion in its middle. Therefore, its vorticity, correspondingly .the rotational winds kinetic energy
Kφ is larger than the one of the baroclinic vortices. However, the latter one occurring on a shear line has a typical structure with strong convergence in lower levels overlapping a divergence centre in the higher levels. The temperature gradient near the vortex centre is rather clear. It is notable that the divergence winds kinetic energy
Kx related to the divergent field for the former one is much larger than the one in tropical cyclone during their development period, though the meso-scale low on the shear line seems very weak appearing at the isobar maps. A large amount of potential energy P transfers to
Kx and becomes the major energy source during the strengthening period of the tropical cyclone. For the mesoscale low on the shear line, the energy conversion from
Kx to
Kφ is very strong through the whole period. It is verified further from this study that the energy conversion from
Kφ is an important step for the development of meso-scale low vortex either for the tropical or the baroclinic one. This kind of conversion will be more active when the potential energy P is released in a large amount.