In this paper,based on the measuremcnts of sea temperature,sea level and wind field at high and low-level atmosphere provided by NOAA-CAC and Hawaii University of U.S.A.,and the National Meteorological Bureau of PRC,together with the sea temperature data in the western equatorial Pacific provided by TOGA-COARE project(Nov.1992-Feb.1993),the variability of global atmospheric and tropical oceanic anomalies are analyzed diagnostically.It is confirmed that the main cause for world meteorological catastrophe in 1993 is closely related to the following features in that(1)the anomalous variation of atmosphere circulation has almost synchronous response to the eastward transmitting ENSO event of 1992/1993;(2) the two eastward transmitting ENSO events of 1991 and 1993 within a short period is an important factor causing the persistence of anomalous variation of subtropical high and making subtropical high the strongest one for about 40 years,and the anomalous variation of trough and ridge of westerly belt;(3)due to the persistence of anomalous warm water in the central cquatorial Pacific in 1992,the position of subtropical high ridge line in the western Pacific is more to the south and westward stretch ridge point of subtropical high more to the west in 1993.