Untill now, there isn't any report on the atmospheric turbulence over tropical coastal area. By use of the observed data collected at Tianwei village of Hainan province in 1990, this paper analyses the turbulence characteristic values such as the velocity spectra and turbulence intensity. Most of these data are influenced by the cloud, and the stability parameter (
L) and heat flux (
wt) are not of daily variation in sunny days, but the turbulence energy and mean temperature are of normal daily variation. The base features of turbulent spectra are similar to those in the sunny days.The result shows that in the near surface layer over tropical coastal area, the turbulent behaviour is nearly consistent with the laws of local isotropy in the inertial subrange, the velocity spectra conform to the “-2/3”law in the Kolmogorov's similarity theory. Based on M O similarity theory, the relationship of the component turbulence intensities
u ,v,w) and stability parameter Z/L has been studied, showing that the relationship displays the “1/3”law, but the turbulence intensity and energy are larger than that over plat and homogeneous terrain.