摘要: 根据我国南方61个气象观测站1956~1995年月冰雹日数资料,应用三维EOF和小波统计分析方法,研究了冰雹的主要空间分布类型、季节变化特征、年际变化和年代际变化规律。结果表明:我国南方多冰雹带位于云贵至中南地区的湖南、江西,并向北、向东南逐步递减,最大值出现在贵州兴仁;我国南方冰雹季节变化显著,春季2~5月份为多冰雹季节,其中3月份出现最大值。冬半年(10月~次年5月)冰雹主要活动于南区(25~30°N、115°E以西地区),夏半年(6~9月)冰雹主要活动于北区(30°N以北地区);近40年来冰雹总趋势是逐渐减少的,具有28年、14年、8~9年、5年和3.5~4年左右的周期震荡,并且10年以下周期具有50~60年代以3.5~4年周期为主,70年代以8~9年、3.5~4年周期为主,80年代以8~9年、5年、3.5~4年周期为主,90年代以8~9年、5年周期为主的年代际变化规律。Abstract: With data of hail days of 61 stations in South China for 1956~1995, by applying methods of the three dimensional EOF analysis and wavelet analysis, we have investigated climatic features of the hail days in South China including their spatial distributions, seasonal, interannual and interdecadal variations. Climatologically, the zone with more hail days in South China locates in Yungui, Hunan, Jiangxi but the days decrease northward and southeastward. The maximum value of the hail days occurs in Xingren of Guizhou province. There are obvious seasonal variations of the hail days. More hails are during February~May and the maximum is in March. The spatial distribution of the hail days is in the southern region (25~30°N, west of 115°E) during winter half year(October~May) and northern region (north of 30°N) during summer half year (June~September). The annual mean of the hail days has a descending tendency over the 1956~1995 period. There are 28, 14, 8~9, 5, 3.5~4 year periods of oscillation in the hail days. These oscillations have interdecadal changes with 3.5 year period in 1950~60s' 8~9, 3.5~4 year periods in 1970s' 8~9, 5, 3.5~4 year periods in 1980s' and 8~9,5 year periods in 1990s'.
Key words:
- hail days /
- three dimensional EOF analysis /
- wavelet analysis
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