摘要: 通过奇异值分解方法研究了热带太平洋对流活动(OLR)和海温SST的相互关系。结果表明,两场间具有高度的相关性。赤道中、东太平洋和赤道西太平洋上存在类似偶极子型的两个符号相反的显著相关区。ENSO期间,两区对流活动变化趋势相反,由两者之差建立对流涛动指数COI(Convective activities oscillationindex)。并以1997/1998年暖事件和1998/2000年冷事件为例分析了COI在ENSO监测中的作用。分析表明,COI能够较好地反映海气相互作用信息,同其他指数相比,具有一定Abstract: By applying singular value decomposition (SVD) technique, this paper mainly studied the relationship between tropical Pacific SST and OLR fields. The results show that they are significantly correlated. According to the analysis of the structure of OLR anomaly fields, this paper revealed that the pattern of the opposite centers over the tropical Pacific in OLR filed resembles the dipole-like structure over the equatorial Pacific. A convection activity oscillation (COI) index was thus derived for the opposite variation structure of OLR between the eastern Pacific and the western Pacific. Further application in ENSO cases such as 1997/1998 El Nino and 1998/2000 La Nina confirmed COI is a good index for ENSO monitoring.
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