摘要: NCAR(National Center for Atmospheric Research)在1990年代发展起来的多普勒雷达四维变分分析系统(The four-dimensional VariationalDoppler Radar Analysis System,简称 VDRAS),采用四维变分(4D-VAR)资料同化技术和云尺度数值模式及其伴随模式,利用单部或多部多普勒雷达观测资料,反演对流尺度风暴的动力结构和微物理结构,包括三维风场、温度场、气压场和微物理量场。本文介绍了VDRAS的基本原理、个例试验和实时运行等概况,旨在随着我国新一代天气雷达建设的逐步完成,为应用我国新一代天气雷达的观测资料,开展4D-VAR方法的研究和应用提供一些参考或借鉴。Abstract: In 1990s, a four-dimensional variational Doppler radar analysis system (VDRAS) has been developed and implemented in NCAR. This analysis system applies the four-dimensional variational data assimilation technique to a cloud-scale model. VDRAS can be used to retrieve three-dimensional wind, temperature, pressure, and microphysical fields in convective storms by assimilating data from one or more Doppler radars. This paper aims at summarizing VDRAS' basic principle, cases study, and real-time running. With the accomplishment of China's new generation weather radar project step by step, this paper hopes to provide some references in 4D-VAR research and application using China CINRAD radar observations.
Key words:
- Doppler radar /
- four-dimensional variation /
- data assimilation
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