摘要: 利用1998年6-8月青藏高原逐时红外遥感云图及青藏高原高分辨率有限区域数值预报值(HLAFS),运用空间数据挖掘的相关分析技术对青藏高原MCSs的移动和传播与其周围环境场中物理量场之间的关系进行了研究。结果表明:它们东移出高原(105°E)与其东侧在400、500hPa上的高度(H)、涡度(VOR)、散度(DIV)、水汽通量散度(IFVQ)、垂直速度(W)、指数(K)等6个物理量的特征值,以及其自身形状密切相关。这对MCSs的移动和传播这一迄今的难题提供了研究思路和方法,同时对预报高原MCSs东移影响长江中下游地区的强降水也很有帮助。
- 青藏高原 /
- 中尺度对流系统(MCSs) /
- 红外遥感 /
- 空间数据挖掘 /
- 相关分析法
Abstract: Several heavy rainfalls in Yangtze River Basin are considered to be highly related to the moving out of the mesoscale convective systems (MCSs) from the Tibetan Plateau to the east. By analyzing the cloud-top's temperature of black body (TBB) from the hourly GMS infrared images and the data of the High Resolution Limited Area Forecast System (HLAFS) of the Tibetan Plateau from June to August in 1998, this paper studied the law of the movement of the MCSs and the relationship between the MCSs and the surrounding environmental physical field. The study reveals that the height (H), the vortex (VOR), the divergent(DIV), the water vapor flux divergent(IFVQ), the wind aplomb speed(W) and the K-index are relatively independent parameters among the nine environment physical variables around the MCSs, while the temperature(T), the fake correspond potential temperature(θ se) and the relative humidity(RH) are highly related to each other, as well as to the Height. The method to study the MCSs movement and promulgation is put forward by correlation analyzing on the factors of MCSs. It is very important of practical value to forecast heavy rainfall in Yangtze River Basin with MCSs moving out to east from Tibetan Plateau. -
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