摘要: 系统、全面地总结了国内外关于Zebiak-Cane海气耦合模式的应用及分析研究,指出了模式的优点及存在的不足,并评析了模式改进工作,最后进行了讨论并展望未来的发展方向。
- Zebiak-Cane海气耦合模式 /
- 研究 /
- 进展
Abstract: The application and analysed research of Zebiak-Cane ocean-atmosphere coupled model are generalized systematically and completely, and the advantages and shortcomings of the model are pointed out. What's more, we assess the improved jobs relating to the model, along with a discussion and a prospective study in this field in the last section.-
Key words:
- Zebiak-Cane ocean-atmosphere coupled model /
- research /
- advances
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