摘要: 对流层大气环流和气象气候要素具有明显的准两年周期振荡,被称为Tropospheric(Quasi-) Biennial Oscillation(TBO)。综述了各种TBO现象及其机理研究。目前发现对流层中温度、气压、风场、降水以及季风、副高等系统都存在TBO变化;其机理研究表明,热带海洋(主要是印度洋和太平洋)和平流层QBO在TBO的形成中起着重要的作用。此外,欧亚雪盖和太阳活动的11年周期可能也会影响TBO。
- 对流层准两年周期振荡(TBO) /
- 热带海洋 /
- 平流层准两年周期振荡(QBO)
Abstract: There are obvious biennial phenomena of circulation,meteorological and climatic elements in the troposphere,named as Tropospheric(Quasi-) Biennial Oscillation(TBO).Many phenomena of TBO are discovered, such as variations of TBO in tropospheric temperature, pressure,winds field, monsoon and subtropical high etc. The mechanism of TBO is explored and the results demonstrate that tropical ocean (the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean, mainly) and Stratospheric QBO play important roles in the TBO. In addition, Eurasian snow cover and solar activity of 11yr period can affect TBO very possibly. -
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