摘要: 对2003年夏季广东省出现的异常高温天气时空分布特点及其异常的原因进行了分析,用小波分析研究了高温期的低频振荡,并用EOF和相关分析研究高温天气的气候特征及其气候背景。结果表明,2003年广东夏季的高温天气主要出现在7月初~8月中旬初,除雷州半岛以外的广东其余地区均出现异常高温,且高温日数大多比历年同期偏多1~2倍。高温天气具有明显的阶段性变化,存在60~80天左右的季节内振荡。影响高温天气的主要系统为副热带高压,当菲律宾附近同时有热带气旋活动时,有利于广东出现异常的高温天气。2003年7月乌拉尔山以西和鄂霍次克海附近地区异常偏强的阻塞高压及前冬太平洋海温距平呈厄尔尼诺的分布型,有利于西北太平洋副高异常偏强,位置偏南,持久控制江南到华南。广东高温天气始于5月,结束于10月,主要发生在7~8月份,具有相当的同步性。从1960年代起,高温天气主要发生在1960年代初、1980年代末到1990年代初、1990年代末至今。Abstract: In the summer 2003, Guangdong experienced an extremely hot weather with long duration of the highest temperature over 35℃. The characteristics of spatial and temporal distribution of highest temperature and their main related causes are studied. The wavelet analysis is used to discuss the low frequency oscillations existing in daily highest temperature in the summer 2003, while the EOF method to study the variation characteristics of the number of days with daily highest temperature over 35℃ in July~August from 1961 to 2003 and their climatic background. The results show that extremely hot weather with daily highest temperature over 35℃ in 2003 happened mainly from early July to the first decade of August, and the number of day was 100 %~200 % more than normal years in most regions except for the Leizhou Peninsula. The high temperature weather was in the positive phase of 60~80 days seasonal oscillation. The subtropical high over the Northwest Pacific is the main synoptic system that produces high temperature weather; when there is also a tropical cyclone near the Philippines, extremely hot weather often happens in Guangdong. The abnormally blocking high on 500hPa in July 2003 over west Ural and Okhotsk, the SSTA in the northern Pacific in December 2002~February 2003 was of El Niño distributing, favouring the intensification of subtropical high over Northwest Pacific and its movement southward and finally controlling the region from south of Yangtze River to Southern China. High temperature weather in Guangdong often happens in May~ October, and mainly in July ~August, very much in the same phase. The extremely high temperature weather occurrences in Guangdong from 1961 to 2003 happened mainly in the early 1960's, the late 1980s~ early 1990's,and the late 1990's up to the present.
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