摘要: 台风Maggie(1999年)是近年来比较特殊的一个台风,所有台风预报中心均未能准确预报其登陆前的异常路径。通过两个数值试验揭示了台风Maggie路径异常的原因。即Maggie路径异常的主要原因是它与邻近的一个热带气旋相互作用的结果。Abstract: Typhoon Maggie(1999) interacted with another tropical depression system and moved along a west-southwest track that was somewhat abnormal during its pre-landing stage.Two numerical experiments are carried out in this paper to study the effect of the interaction on the track of typhoon Maggie using the mesoscale numerical weather prediction model system with a tropical cyclone bogusing scheme developed by Center for Coastal and Atmospheric Research,The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.Results show that the cyclone system interacting with Maggie is the main factor in the appearance of the abnormal track of Maggie.
Key words:
- typhoon /
- track /
- bogus method
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