摘要: 研究了1948~2004年东亚增暖背景下对流层顶高度的演变特征,重点分析对流层温度、平流层中下部温度与对流层顶高度变化之间的关系。结果表明:东亚地区对流层顶高度在1970年代后呈现波动上升趋势,其上升趋势不如南半球显著;东亚对流层温度与对流层顶高度呈显著正相关,特别是对流层中上部温度与对流层顶高度的正相关最显著,这说明对流层中上部的增温对对流层顶高度的抬升贡献较大;东亚平流层中下层温度与对流层顶高度基本呈显著负相关,70hPa层上的负相关最显著;近20年来东亚对流层温度上升了约0.2℃,平流层中下部温度下降了约1.2℃,对流顶高度上升了约86m,对流层的增暖和平流层的冷却作用共同导致了东亚对流层顶高度的变化。Abstract: The influence of greenhouse effect on the height of the tropopause were explored for the years between 1948 and 2004,and mainly the correlations between the tropospheric temperature,the temperature of lower part of stratosphere and the change of the tropopause height were analyzed.The main results reveal that the tropopause height had an increasing trend after the 1970s' in East Asia,and the trend in Southern Hemisphere was more obvious.In East Asia,the correlation was remarkably positive between the tropo-spheric temperature and the tropopause height,and especially between the temperature of higher troposphere and the tropopause height.It is shown that warming in higher troposphere contributes more to the lifting of the tropopause height.The temperature of lower stratosphere and the tropopause height are in remarkable anticorrelation,especially on 70 hPa.According to the results of the calculations,the tropopause height was increased by 86 meters in the recent 20 years,while the temperature of the troposphere was also increased by 0.2℃,and the temperature of lower stratosphere was decreased 1.2℃.The joint effects of warming in the troposphere and cooling in the stratosphere result in the change of tropopause height in East Asia.
Key words:
- tropopause height /
- greenhouse effects /
- East Asia /
- lower part of stratosphere
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