摘要: 森林火灾遍及全球,损失巨大。火险天气指数(FWI)是森林火灾预警和管理的有效工具。相对湿度(RH)是计算天气火险指数一个非常重要的参数。然而,由插值方法得到的RH在远离气象站点的地方往往存在很大的误差。因此,尝试利用MODIS遥感数据计算基于像元的高分辨率RH。MODIS的MOD07大气廓线产品,可以提供大气可降水量和地表气温数据。基于地面水汽压和大气可降水量的经验关系,利用MODIS数据计算了地表空气的相对湿度,平均绝对误差小于5%。结果表明,利用MODIS数据能简单而有效地计算地表空气的相对湿度,拓展了遥感技术在森林火险管理中的应用。Abstract: Forest fire is a serious disaster all over the world.The Fire Weather Index(FWI) System can be used in applied forestry as a tool to investigate and manage all types of fire management.Relative humidity(RH) is a very important parameter to calculate FWI.However,RH interpolated from meteorological data may not be able to provide precise and confident values for areas between far separated stations.The principal objective of this study is to provide high-resolution RH for FWI using MODIS data.Precipitable water and air temperature are available from MODIS MOD07 atmospheric profile products.Based on the empirical expressions of the relation between ground water vapor pressure and precipitable water,RH can be retrieved successfully,the mean absolute error is less than 5%.It is proven to be a simple and feasible method to compute RH using MODIS data.
Key words:
- relative humidity /
- precipitable water /
- air temperature /
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