摘要: 利用1982~2001年NCEP/NCAR再分析的周平均SST场、逐日表面热通量场及近地层10米高度风场资料,分析了南海地区季风爆发前后几周南海多年平均SST随时间的变化和空间分布特征及其影响因子。结果表明,南海季风爆发前,SST急剧升高,季风爆发后,SST的变化呈现比较明显的空间差异,南海北部SST继续上升,而南部SST持续下降。南海季风爆发前,海面净得热,这是季风爆发前南海SST上升的主要原因。季风爆发后几周,海面净得热减少,此时的海表净热通量收支与SST无显著相关。而季风爆发期和爆发后几周,南海SST变化的不均匀性与西南气流具有很好的相关性,南海的降温区呈东北-西南走向,与低层西南气流的方向一致。因而,在季风爆发后的一段时间内,近地层风场导致的海洋表面及内部动力过程是影响南海SST变化的另一重要因子。Abstract: Temporal and spatial variations of the weekly mean SST in the South China Sea(SCS) during the SCS monsoon onset period and impact factors have been analyzed by using the weekly mean SST data and daily NCEP/NCAR reanalyzed surface heat fluxes and 10-m wind from 1982 to 2001.It is found that rapid warming occurs before the monsoon onset,and the SST variation after the monsoon onset shows distinct spatial distribution features: the decrease of SST in the south of SCS and the increase of SST in the north of SCS appear clearly.The rapid warming before the onset of monsoon is associated with the increase of the net surface heat fluxes at the air-sea interface.Although the correlation between the variation of SST and net surface heat flux is not significant in the several weeks after the monsoon onset,the net surface heat flux still has major contribution to the SST variation tendency in the whole summer monsoon period.The results also show that there is a significant correlation between the southwest wind and SST after the onset of monsoon and the region of the SST decrease is consistent with the southwest monsoon.Further analysis indicates that upper ocean dynamic processes,which are related to the atmospheric wind field,are important impact factors determining the SST change during the SCS monsoon onset period.
Key words:
- SCS monsoon /
- SST /
- surface heat flux /
- low-level wind field
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