摘要: 基于对流参数化的发展过程,讨论了当前对流参数化方案中存在的问题,着重分析了大尺度水汽辐合型和质量通量型方案的缺陷,同时对东亚季风区和我国的研究现状进行了分析,提出了通用对流参数化方案的设计思想和应该考虑的原则,具有重要的参考借鉴意义。Abstract: Based on the development of convection parameterization,some problems existing in current parameterized schemes are discussed.The defects of two types of classic schemes,the large scale moisture converging scheme and mass flux scheme,are emphasized and the current study proceeding for East Asia monsoon region and China is analyzed simultaneously.Furthermore,new designing ideas and the rules of a common convection parameterization are provided,which may be of great importance for future studies in this field.
Key words:
- convection parameterization /
- numerical model /
- physical processes
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