摘要: 利用南京市1951年1月~2007年2月逐日温度观测资料,分析讨论了南京56年夏季平均气温、极端最高气温、热积温和高温日数的变化趋势和特征,利用候温法研究了南京夏季候平均气温≥22℃的候数变化和南京夏季时间尺度的演变,探讨了南京夏季各温度指标的年代变化和凉夏、酷暑的分布。结果表明,56年来南京夏季平均气温是上升的,而极端高温和热积温1990年代以前是下降的,但本世纪头几年回升明显;当今南京的夏季始于5月下旬或中旬,终于9月下旬或10月上旬,南京夏季时间尺度的明显增长与全球变暖相对应;南京1950、1960年代夏季较热,酷暑年较多,1970、1980年代较凉,凉夏年较多,1990年代以后夏季气温回升,但本世纪头几年南京夏季虽较热但未有凉夏、酷暑的异常年出现。南京温度及热积温的变化与大气环流演变和热带海洋海-气相互作用紧密相联,致使南京相应降水日数、日照时数等的变化,可引起南京夏季气温的相应变化。Abstract: Based on the daily temperature data from January 1951 to February 2007,the change trends and characteristics of summer average temperature,yearly highest temperature,hot accumulated temperature and high temperature days in Nanjing in the recent 56 years have been analyzed and studied.With the pentad temperature method,the change tendency of pentads ≥22 ℃ and summer time scale in Nanjing have been analyzed.The change in the summer temperature indexes and the distribution of hot summer and cool summer have been discussed.The results show that the summer average temperature tends to rise in the recent 56 years,and that summer highest temperature and hot accumulated temperature tend to descend before the 1990s but rise back at the first several years in this century in Nanjing.Nowadays the summer of Nanjing starts from the last ten days or the middle ten days of May and ends on the last ten days of September or the first ten days of October.The evident increase of summer time scale in Nanjing is corresponding to global warming.The summers in the 1950s and 1960s are hot and the phenomena of hot summer appeares more frequently,while the summers in 1970s and 1980s are cool and the phenomena of cool summer is more likely to be observed.After the 1990s summer temperature has risen up.At the first several years in this century the summer is hot in Nanjing but there are no abnormal years in which the situation of hot summer or cool summer appear.The temperature and hot accumulated temperature of Nanjing have close relationship with atmospheric circulation evolution and air-sea interactions in the tropical ocean,resulting in corresponding change in the number of days of precipitation,sunshine hours and other changes in Nanjing,and causing corresponding changes in Nanjing’s summer temperatures.
Key words:
- Nanjing /
- summer temperature /
- hot accumulated temperature /
- pentad temperature /
- hot summer,cool summer /
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