Experiments on Microwave Radiometer Temperature Profile Correction by Integrating Multi-Source Observational Data
摘要: 为增加大气探空站点,提高微波辐射计大气温度探测精度,利用FY-4A气象卫星温度产品和BP神经网络、遗传算法,分别实施杭州站、南京站微波辐射计的温度订正仿真试验,并获得准确的连续性大气温度垂直廓线;结合探空资料和民航AMDAR气温资料,评估模型订正效果。研究结果表明: (1) 微波辐射计温度产品存在一定误差,两站均在高度2 km处平均偏差最大,同站有雨时的偏差均大于无雨时的偏差;(2) 经过BP神经网络模拟订正后的微波辐射计测温精度较原温度产品提升幅度较大;杭州站MAE、MSE、RMSE的降低幅度分别为45%~55%、65%~78%、41%~53%,南京站的降低幅度分别为58%~66%、83%~88%、55%~59%;(3) 经过遗传算法优化初始权值和阈值后的神经网络订正模型模拟效果有进一步的提升,其中有雨模型提升效果明显,RMSE降低幅度11%~15%。微波辐射计的上述订正方法,可以推广到各地微波辐射计站点应用,具有实际使用价值。Abstract: In the present study, a correction method was developed to improve the accuracy of groundbased microwave radiometers in measuring temperatures. Using temperature products from the FY-4A meteorological satellite, a back propagation (BP) neural network, and a genetic algorithm, we conducted temperature correction simulation experiments to correct the temperature profiles measured by two MP-3000 ground-based microwave radiometers located at the meteorological stations in Hangzhou and Nanjing, respectively, and obtained accurate and continuous vertical profiles of atmospheric temperature. The corrected temperature profiles were then compared with temperature data from radiosonde measurements and the Aircraft Meteorological Data Relay (AMDAR) data from the Civil Aviation Administration of China. The results show that: (1) Microwave radiometer temperature products exhibited inherent inaccuracies, with larger discrepancies during rainy conditions and the greatest average deviation observed at the altitude of 2 km for both stations. (2) The temperature measured by the microwave radiometer, after being corrected through BP neural network simulation, was a significant enhancement compared to the original temperature. At Hangzhou station, the reductions in mean absolute error, mean squared error, and root mean square error (RMSE) were observed in the ranges of 45%~55%, 65%~78%, and 41%~53%, respectively, while at Nanjing station, these metrics decreased by 58%~66%, 83%~88%, and 55%~59% respectively. (3) The simulation model of the neural network, after its initial weights and thresholds were optimized using a genetic algorithm, demonstrated further improvements. There was a significant enhancement in the rain model, with RMSE reductions of 11%-15%. The proposed correction method for microwave radiometers seems to be suitable for broader applications across microwave radiometer stations.
Key words:
- microwave radiometer /
- FY-4A satellite /
- BP neural network /
- genetic algorithm /
- profile correction
表 1 不同种类探测资料的优势与弊端
探测手段 优势 弊端 测量方式 微波辐射计 全天候全天时工作,时间分辨率高 雨天准确率低 间接测量(遥感) FY-4A 观测范围广、次数多、时效快、完整连续 近地面数据质量较差 间接测量(遥感) 探空 垂直方向分辨率高,精度高 空间分辨率低 直接测量(传感器) AMDAR 时间和空间的加密观测 依赖航班运行 直接测量(传感器) 表 2 杭州站、南京站各观测设备样本数据量(单位:组)
站点 数据处理 微波辐射计 FY-4A 探空 AMDAR 杭州 剔除 1 508 25 318 1 527 12 222 保留 40 922 17 112 40 903 30 208 南京 剔除 3 770 23 353 1 932 26 037 保留 38 660 19 077 40 498 16 393 表 3 杭州站微波辐射计温度、BPNN模拟温度与气温验证值的比较
有无雨 样本 MAE/℃ MSE/℃2 RMSE/℃ R2 无雨 微波辐射计 3.011 15.246 3.905 0.959 BPNN训练集 1.347 3.336 1.826 0.990 BPNN测试集 1.353 3.363 1.833 0.990 有雨 微波辐射计 2.445 9.358 3.059 0.977 BPNN训练集 1.312 3.082 1.750 0.991 BPNN测试集 1.347 3.312 1.808 0.990 表 4 南京站微波辐射计温度、BPNN模拟温度与气温验证值的比较
有无雨 样本 MAE/℃ MSE/℃2 RMSE/℃ R2 无雨 微波辐射计 4.019 29.045 5.389 0.939 BPNN训练集 1.351 3.471 1.863 0.991 BPNN测试集 1.350 3.473 1.863 0.991 有雨 微波辐射计 3.898 34.122 5.841 0.930 BPNN训练集 1.614 5.800 2.402 0.982 BPNN测试集 1.649 5.862 2.416 0.983 表 5 BP神经网络的权值和阈值参数
输入层与隐含层连接权值 隐含层阈值 隐含层与输出层连接权值 输出层阈值 16 4 4 1 表 6 GA参数设计
种群大小 最大遗传代数 个体长度 交叉概率 变异概率 代沟 40 50 10 0.7 0.01 0.8 -
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