摘要: 为了探明公路路面积水(积雪)过程和干湿状况的变化及其气象因子的影响,以江苏省金坛试验基地试验路段的道路气象数据作为模型输入数据,利用改进的Sass道路积水物理模型对3次降雨(雪)过程中的道路积水量进行模拟,通过对模型模拟结果的分级和与仪器记录、人工观测结果的对比,验证模型模拟路面状况的准确性,并探讨了气象因子对路面积水量的影响。研究结果表明:(1) 改进的Sass模型可用于对道路干湿状况的模拟,且准确性较高,可推广到高速公路路面状况的实时监测和预报;(2) 排水过程中,径流和蒸发在不同时期对排水量的贡献率差异较大,从总量上讲,径流对排水起了主要作用;(3) 气象因子对道路积水的影响主要体现在降水量直接影响道路积水,而其他气象因子则通过对蒸发量的影响来间接影响积水量。Abstract: In order to ascertain the process of road water (or snow) accumulation, the change of road surface dry-wet conditions and the influence of meteorological factors on them, in this paper, a series of the observed data on the process of road water(or snow) accumulation and the records of road surface dry-wet condition change at Jintan Experimental Base was used as the input data of the modified Sass model, a physical model initially only for the calculation of water accumulation on road surface, was modified to be applicable for the quantitative calculation of the water and snow accumulation on the road surface of an expressway by the change of some physical parameters. This model was used to the simulations of road surface water (snow) accumulation for two rainfall processes and a snowfall process in this paper. Based on the classification on the simulation results and the comparisons between the classification data, the records of automatic instruments and the artificial observations, the accuracy of the model on the simulations of road surface dry-wetconditions was verified and the influence of the meteorological factors on the road surface water (snow) accumulation was discussed. The results showed as follows: (1) The modified Sass model was applicable to the simulation of road surface dry-wet condition with a high accuracy and it can be popularized and applied to the real-time monitoring and forecasting of road surface condition on an expressway. (2) In the process of water drainage on the road surface, the difference between the contribution rate of runoff and the contribution rate of evaporation was great in different periods. In terms of total quantity, the runoff played a main role on drainage. (3) The influence of meteorological factors on the road surface water (snow) accumulation was reflected on the direct impact of rainfall(snowfall) in the road surface water (snow) accumulation but the other meteorological factors had relative indirect impacts on the road condition through the effects of evaporation.
表 1 路面状况分级标准
液态积水量/(kg/m2) 固态积水量/(kg/m2) 路面状况 0 0 干燥 0~1 0 潮湿 >1 0 积水 - >0 冰/雪 表 2 2015年1月的3次降雨(雪)过程的排水贡献率
降雨(雪)过程 总降水量
/ mm径流贡献率
/ %蒸发贡献率
/ %13—14日 13.5 13.3 90.7 9.3 24—25日 5.3 5.0 78.8 21.2 27—31日 9.6 9.1 75.5 24.5 -
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