摘要: 运用WRF模式配合对气溶胶更敏感的F-SBM微物理方案以及LPI闪电参数化方案对台风“天兔”进行模拟,通过改变F-SBM微物理方案中的云凝结核浓度得到不同气溶胶浓度下“天兔”中水凝物和闪电的分布情况,并从微物理过程出发讨论了气溶胶浓度对“天兔”中闪电的影响。WWLLN观测数据显示,“天兔”中的闪电主要呈现三圈分布,且“天兔”眼壁区闪电的爆发现象发生在其迅速加强阶段。对比发现,LPI指数与WWLLN观测实况的闪电分布形状有较好的对应,并且描绘出“天兔”中闪电的发展变化情况。通过气溶胶敏感性试验发现,随着气溶胶浓度的增加,“天兔”中过冷水含量及霰粒子浓度增加,垂直运动整体增强,为闪电的生成提供有利条件,此时LPI指数分布更加密集,强度增强。而冰晶粒子浓度始终较低,可初步推断“天兔”中闪电主要由霰粒子与雪粒子的非感应起电产生Abstract: The effects of aerosol on lightning in Typhoon Usagi are investigated by Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model with lightning potential index (LPI) parameterizations and F-SBM microphysics scheme which is more sensitive to aerosols. The distribution of the hydrometeors and lightning in Typhoon Usagi under different aerosol concentration was achieved by changing the CCN concentration in the F-SBM microphysics scheme. Based on the microphysical process, the effects of aerosol on the lightning of Typhoon Usagi were discussed. Observed data from WWLLN show that, there are three zones of distinct electrical characteristics in Typhoon Usagi and the lightning in the eyewall broke out when Typhoon Usagi intensified rapidly. By comparing the analysis, distribution of the lightning in Typhoon Usagi observed by WWLLN is similar to that of LPI, which can describe the evolution of the lightning in Typhoon Usagi as well. Concluding from aerosol sensitivity experiments, we know that super cooled water content, graupel concentration and vertical velocity will increase with increasing aerosol concentration, which is helpful to the production of lightning. At the same time, the distribution of LPI becomes more intense. However, the ice concentration keeps low, from which we can preliminarily infer that the lightning in Typhoon Usagi is caused by noninductive charging between graupel and snow
图 8 19日12时不同气溶胶浓度下霰粒子(左)和云水含量(右)的最大值分布
说明同图 7。
图 10 19日12时不同气溶胶浓度下雪粒子(左)和冰晶粒子(右)最大值分布
说明同图 7。
表 1 试验的气溶胶浓度(cm-3)设计
名称 海洋设置/km 陆地设置/km n-normal 100 4 000 n-100 100 100 n-800 800 800 n-1500 1 500 1 500 n-3000 3 000 3 000 -
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