摘要: 建立清代1644—1911年广东的旱涝指数序列,采用滑动t检验、完备总体经验模态函数分析了清代广东旱涝的突变特征和多时间尺度周期性特征。结果表明,清代广东旱涝指数整体较平稳,呈现先明显增加后减少、后略微增加的趋势。旱涝指数序列具有多个跃变点,且有年际尺度4.2 a和7.8 a,年代际尺度11.6 a、15.2 a、36.5 a和70.1 a,世纪尺度130.3 a左右的周期。发现广东旱涝有多个周期与太阳黑子相对数序列及东亚季风指数序列周期接近,故用交叉小波分析发现广东旱涝指数序列与太阳黑子相对数序列在0~6 a、7~8 a和11~16 a等多个时间尺度具有强凝聚性共振周期,与东亚夏季风指数序列在4~8 a和25~45 a等多个时间尺度具有强凝聚性共振周期。Abstract: In view of global change and disaster increase, it is necessary to study the characteristics and influencing factors of climate disasters during the historical period. In this paper, the drought and flood index series of Guangdong from 1644—1911 was established. A sliding t-test was used to determine the mutation points and Complete Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition was used to analyze the periodicity of the sequence on different timescales. Cross-wavelet analysis was used to explore the relative of sunspots and the East Asian summer monsoon with the change of drought and flood in Guangdong.The results show that the drought and flood index of Guangdong in the Qing Dynasty is generally stable, showing a marked increase, then a decrease, and then a slight increase.Drought and flood index sequence has multiple transition points and has interannual scale periods of 4.2 a and 7.8 a, interdecadal scale periods of 11.6 a, 15.2 a, 36.5 a and 70.1 a and century scale period of about 130.3 a. It is found that the periods of drought and flood in Guangdong are close to those of sunspots and East Asian monsoon. So the influence of sunspots activity and East Asian summer monsoon on the variation of drought and flood in Guangdong was mainly discussed by cross-wavelet analysis. It is found that the sequence of drought and flood index in Guangdong has strong cohesive resonance periods at 0~6 a, 7~8 a, 11~16 a and other time scales with the sunspots relative number sequence, and also has strong cohesive resonance cycle with the sequence of the East Asian summer monsoon at multiple time scales such as 4~8 a and 25~45 a.
Key words:
- drought and flood /
- cross wavelet analysis /
- sunspots /
- East Asian summer monsoon
图 3 广东降水序列柱状图及11年滑动平均(a)和本文旱涝指数序列及11年滑动平均(b)[26]
表 1 1644—1911年广东旱涝灾害记录例举
年份 地名 史料记录 资料来源 1661 龙川县 5月,大水,浸溢县城小东门、大东门等街,操舟直抵县署 乾隆二十七年《龙川县志》卷一灾祥附 1665 仁化县 夏大水,浸东南城丈余,冲毁沿河民居无算 康熙二十六年《韶州府志》卷一灾异 1870 海丰县 禾苗失收。5、6月亢旱,溪底可以晒草。兼虫多,田禾均被损坏 同治《海丰县志续编》卷下 1886 吴川县 秋旱,晚稻失收,谷米腾贵 光绪《吴川县志》卷十记述事 表 2 7级逐年旱情、雨情的范围和程度
PDi PFi I 等级 ≥200% 7 大旱 [0,200%) 6 旱 [-90%,0) 5 偏旱 < -90% 或 < -90% 4 正常 [-90%,0) 3 偏涝 [0,200%) 2 涝 ≥200% 1 大涝 表 3 1644—1911年广东旱涝指数序列跃变参考年表 加号表示由涝转向旱,减号表示由旱转涝。
跃变参考点 n 跃变状态 1654年 10 - 1669年 10 - 1712年 10 + 1754年 10 + 1786年 10 + 1865年 10 + 1887年 10 + 1654年 50 + 表 4 1644—1911年广东省旱涝指序列各分量周期
IMF分量 IMF1 IMF2 IMF3 IMF4 IMF5 IMF6 IMF7 周期/a 4.2 7.8 11.6 15.2 36.5 70.1 130.3 相关系数 0.775** 0.565** 0.511** 0.343** 0.295** 0.175** 0.122** 方差贡献率 20.63 18.91 16.7 13.80 10.80 7.76 5.22 注:**表示通过0.01信度检验。 -
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