摘要: 利用最新的NCEP/NCAR的逐月平均风场资料及ECMWF的逐月多层臭氧质量混合资料,通过定义Hadley环流上升支强度指数(HAI),用质量流函数的方法研究了纬圈平均Hadley环流上升支的演变特征及其与低纬地区不同层次大气臭氧变化的关系。结果表明,①冬季和夏季HAI较大,最大值出现在2月和8月,春、秋季HAI较小,最小值出现在5月和11月;Hadley环流上升支的位置随季节和强度变化;冬季Hadley环流上升支所跨纬度最宽,夏季最窄。②各季节代表月份的HAI具有一定的年代际特征,即1月、4月具有负距平-相持-正距平的年代际特征,线性增强趋势明显;7月、10月则表现为距平的正-负-正变化,但7月HAI在2012年以后有明显减弱趋势。总体上各季节HAI从1990年代中后期开始逐渐增强。③除春季外,Hadley环流上升支对低纬对流层臭氧的动力输送作用显著,Hadley环流上升运动越强,上升支所对应纬度带对流层臭氧浓度越低,南北两个下沉区对流层臭氧浓度越高。④ HAI表现为强指数年时,低纬对流层臭氧整体表现为增加,平流层中下部臭氧减少,体现出彼此的长期综合影响。Abstract: Based on the NCEP/NCAR monthly mean wind data and ECMWF monthly mean multi-layered ozone mass mixing ratio data and by defining the Hadley circulation ascending branch intensity index (HAI), we studied the evolution characteristics of HAI and its relation to the variation of low-latitude atmospheric ozone in different levels with the mass stream function method. The results showed that ① HAI is bigger in summer and winter and smaller in spring and autumn with the maximum in February and August and the minimum in May and November. The position of Hadley circulation ascending branch changes with the season and strength; The latitude span of Hadley circulation ascending branch is the widest in winter and narrowest in summer. ② The HAI has inter-decadal characteristics in different months representing the four seasons. Namely, HAI has a negative-stalemate-positive anomaly inter-decadal characteristics in January and April and it performs in a linearly positive trend. While HAI presents a positive-negative-positive anomaly changes in July and October, it is weakened obviously in July. As a whole, the significantly strengthened tendency starts from the late 1990s. ③ Besides the spring, Hadley circulation ascending branch performs remarkable transporting function in the low-latitude tropospheric ozone. The tropospheric ozone concentration on the corresponding latitudes of Hadley circulation rising branch is reducing with the strengthening of Hadley circulation ascending branch while the tropospheric ozone concentration on the two subsidence zones of Hadley circulation is increasing. ④ When the annual mean HAI showed a strong index, the low latitude tropospheric ozone performance increases and the lower stratospheric ozone reduces, which reflects the long-term comprehensive influence of Hadley circulation and the atmospheric ozone at each level.
表 1 Hadley环流上升支强度指数(HAI)的强度、所处高度、平均位置、纬距跨度
月份 HAI/(106 t/s) 高度/hPa 平均位置/° 纬距跨度/° 12 192.42 550 -3.28 32.06 1 222.07 500 -6.50 33.87 2 224.79 400 -7.45 33.82 3 198.47 450 -5.12 30.54 4 173.26 500 -0.83 25.78 5 171.20 500 2.57 25.74 6 194.51 450 6.37 29.02 7 220.89 400 9.19 31.91 8 226.26 450 10.00 31.28 9 209.47 500 7.84 29.61 10 176.05 450 5.49 29.51 11 170.50 500 1.47 30.00 年平均 198.32 470.83 1.65 30.26 -
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