摘要: 利用MODIS地表温度数据,计算城市热岛强度指数,分析近15年广州市城市热岛的时空分布特征及演变规律,并结合气象观测数据、社会统计数据定性分析其主要影响因素。结果表明:广州市城市热岛的空间分布受地形地貌影响明显,负热岛区主要分布于森林密集的北部山区,无热岛区主要分布于中部低山丘陵区域,热岛区主要分布于高度城市化的中南部平原区。关于城市热岛的日变化规律,白天热岛区、负热岛区面积均小于夜间,但白天热岛区强度、负热岛区强度大于夜间。关于城市热岛的季节变化规律,冬季热岛区面积最大,热岛强度最小,夏季热岛区面积最小,热岛强度最大;冬季负热岛区面积最小,负热岛强度最小,夏季负热岛区面积最大,负热岛强度最大。对于城市热岛的年际变化规律,近15年来广州市的热岛区、负热岛区占全市总面积的百分比呈上升趋势,无热岛区所占百分比呈下降趋势,人为热排放在城市中心区域的持续增长,加上区内建筑物密度大、植被覆盖度低,导致了热岛区的增加,而北部山区至中部丘陵山区的植被的持续好转,加上地理特征限制了该区域的城市化发展,导致了负热岛区的增加。Abstract: Based on land surface temperature data of MODIS, an urban heat island index was calculated, and the characteristics and evolution of urban heat island (UHI) in Guangzhou in the past 15 years were analyzed. Furthermore, the main influence factors of UHI were qualitatively analyzed with the MODIS data, meteorological observation data and social statistical data. It is found that the spatial distribution of UHI in Guangzhou was significantly affected by the topography. A negative urban heat island (NUHI) zone is mostly situated in the northern mountainous region with dense forests, a no-UHI zone is primarily seated in the central hilly region, and a UHI zone is mainly located in the south central plain. With regard to the daily variation of UHI, both of the UHI area and NUHI area are smaller in daytime than at night, but the UHI intensity and NUHI intensity are greater than those at night. For the seasonal variation of UHI, the area is largest in winter, and smallest in summer, and the UHI intensity is smallest in winter and largest in summer. Concerning the interannual variation of UHI, the UHI area and NUHI area have increased in the past 15 years. The main reasons of the UHI area increase are the continued growth of anthropogenic heat emission, high building density and low vegetation coverage in the central area of cities. The main reasons of the NUHI area increase are the growth of vegetation coverage and the limitation of urbanization in northern mountainous region and central hilly region.
Key words:
- urban Heat Island /
- Guangzhou
表 1 城市热岛强度等级划分表
等级 阈值/℃ 描述 1 (-∞, -5.0] 强负热岛 2 (-5.0, -3.0] 较强负热岛 3 (-3.0, -1.0] 弱负热岛 4 (-1.0, 1.0] 无热岛 5 (1.0, 3.0) 弱热岛 6 (3.0, 5.0] 较强热岛 7 (5.0,∞) 强热岛 表 2 2001—2015年广州城市热岛主要影响因素
年份 平均气温 日照时数 灰蓰曰数 植被指数 常住人口总数/万人 地区生产总值/亿元 2001 22.88 1 591.12 50.60 0.517 712.60 2 684.83 2002 23.20 1 585.72 51.00 0.538 720.62 3 001.69 2003 22.96 1 818.82 80.80 0.530 725.19 3 466.63 2004 22.64 1 891.78 101.40 0.515 737.67 4 115.81 2005 22.68 1 461.40 98.60 0.511 750.53 5 115.75 2006 23.08 1 337.70 103.60 0.531 975.46 6 068.41 2007 22.96 1 645.98 97.00 0.544 1 (K)4.58 7 050.78 2008 22.14 1 533.60 87.40 0.538 1 018.20 8 215.82 2009 22.74 1 647.82 85.60 0.557 1 033.45 9 112.76 2010 22.52 1 439.00 92.60 0.551 1 270.08 10 604.48 2011 22.02 1 810.20 59.20 0.558 1 275.14 12 303.12 2012 22.36 1 374.08 71.40 0.570 1 283.89 13 551.21 2013 22.32 1 555.18 50.20 0.576 1 292.68 15 420.14 2014 22.48 1 696.38 36.80 0.576 1 308.05 16 706.87 2015 22.96 1 608.80 34.75 0.587 1 350.11 18 100.41 -
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