摘要: 利用欧洲数值预报中心发布的第三代ERA-Interim月平均再分析资料对1979—2016年全球大气温度廓线进行统计,分别探讨了南、北半球大气温度廓线平均值和标准差随季节、纬度和海陆的时空分布特征,并与国内外常用的AFGL标准大气廓线进行了对比。研究结果表明:南、北半球各高度层温度的平均值、频数最大温度区间和最大值垂直分布均随高度先减小后增加;在大气低层,多年的温度波动较大,200 hPa处波动达到最小;不论是北半球还是南半球,大气温度平均值廓线均具有典型的纬度差异,其中低纬度季节性差异较小,中纬度次之,高纬季节性差异最大;各季节大气温度廓线的海陆差异不同,且南半球海陆差异比北半球大。大气温度标准差廓线同样存在纬度、海陆和季节分布差异。根据ECMWF再分析资料构建的温度廓线较AFGL标准大气廓线而言具有更加丰富的时空分布等细节特征,并且代表了气候变化后最新的大气温度状况。有关结果可作为现有标准大气廓线的更新和完善,为新型卫星仪器应用性能评估、辐射传输算法和大气反演方法评价和对比分析提供支持。
- ERA-Interim /
- 垂直廓线 /
- 时空分布 /
- 温度
Abstract: Based on ERA-Interim monthly means reanalysis data published by European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts, the global temperature vertical profiles during the period of 1979 to 2016 are analyzed. The major research contents include the temporal & spatial statistical characteristics of mean and standard deviation of temperature profiles over the Northern and Southern Hemispheres, as well as a comparison with AFGL standard atmospheric profile. The results are shown as follows: (1) The mean, highest frequency and maximum vertical distribution of temperature at each altitude layer in the Southern and Northern Hemispheres first decreases and then increases with height. The temperature fluctuation is large in the lower atmosphere and reaches the minimum at 200hPa between 1979 to 2016; (2) Both in the Northern Hemisphere and Southern Hemisphere, the vertical profiles of atmospheric temperature have latitudinal discrepancies. Seasonal difference in the low latitude is small, while in the middle latitude and high latitude is obvious. Temperature profiles over land and sea are different in each season, and the differences in the Southern Hemisphere is bigger than those in the Northern Hemisphere. The standard deviation profile of atmospheric temperature also has spatial and temporal distribution differences; (3) The temperature profile based on ECMWF reanalysis data has more details such as time and space distribution characteristics than AFGL standard profile and represents the atmospheric temperature after climate change. This study can provide large supports for new satellite instrument application performance evaluation, radiation transmission algorithm and atmospheric inversion method evaluation and comparative analysis, updating and optimizing current standard atmospheric profile.-
Key words:
- ERA-Interim /
- vertical profile /
- spatial and temporal /
- temperature
表 1 各分析区域内像元个数统计
单位:个。 半球 类型 低纬 中纬 高纬 合计 北半球 海洋 1 133 802 1 025 2 960 陆地 451 782 559 1 792 南半球 海洋 1 217 1 513 587 3 317 陆地 367 71 997 1 435 表 2 平流层和对流层各季节大气温度垂直变化率
单位:K/hPa。 半球 高度 春季 夏季 秋季 冬季 北半球 对流层* 0.078 -0.087 -0.083 -0.076 平流层 0.212 0.248 0.162 0.166 南半球 对流层 -0.082 -0.080 -0.080 -0.082 平流层 0.289 0.274 0.169 0.133 *对流层顶高度采用最小温度法确定。 表 3 AFGL标准大气模式与本文根据ECMWF资料构建的温度廓线特征对比
廓线名称 纬度 海陆 季节 覆盖区域 标准差 AFGL 高、中、低纬。 不区分 低纬度不区分季节,中高纬度分为夏季、冬季 仅北半球 不包含 本文 高、中、低纬 海洋、陆地 低纬度不区分季节,中高纬度分为春季、夏季、秋季、冬季 南半球、北半球 包含 表 4 各高度层AFGL标准大气模式与本文根据ECMWF资料构建的大气廓线温度差(北半球中纬度夏季)
/K气压/hPa 温度/K 气压/hPa 温度/K 900 288.3 902 289.7 1.4 800 283.4 802 285.2 1.8 550 266.0 554 267.2 1.2 175 218.9 179 215.8 -3.1 150 216.9 153 215.7 -1.2 125 214.8 130 215.7 0.9 100 213.7 95 215.7 2.0 70 215.0 69.5 217.9 2.9 50 217.9 51 220.4 2.5 30 222.4 32.2 223.9 1.5 -
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