摘要: 利用传统的气象站法, 结合空间统计学方法(普通克里金插值法), 对福建省晋江市2010—2014年40个自动气象站逐小时温度资料加以计算处理, 分析了晋江市年、季、昼夜热岛强度时空变化规律。(1)晋江市年、季、昼夜热岛强度都呈带状分布, 等值线呈西南-东北走向, 年、季、昼夜变化趋势显著, 北部热岛强度高于南部。五年间热岛强度持续增强, 但增幅不大, 增速放缓。(2)城市化水平的提高, 会导致热岛强度高值出现季节提前, 故旅游区秋冬季热岛强度高于春夏季, 中心城区和产业经济区夏秋季热岛强度高于冬春季。(3)晋江市热岛效应昼夜空间分布格局差异性大, 夜间热岛强度显著高于白天, 最低值出现在14—16时, 中心城区和产业经济区最低值出现时间较旅游区略推迟, 三个功能区的最高值均出现在凌晨。Abstract: The annual, seasonal and diurnal variations on urban heat island in Jinjiang, Fujian were analyzed based on 2010—2014 hourly temperature data of 40 automatic weather stations which were calculated using weather station methods combined with spatial statistic methods (Ordinary Kriging, OK). The results were shown as follows: (1) The annual, seasonal and diurnal intensity was zonal distribution and varied significantly. The isoline of urban heat island intensity was directed from southwest to northeast. The intensity in the northern part was higher than that in the southern part. The intensity kept increasing during the five years with small amplitude and gradual slowdown speed. (2) The high intensity appeared in advance with the improvement of urbanization so that intensity in winter and autumn were higher than that in spring and summer in tourist areas while in industrial zones and in city center, intensity in summer and autumn were higher than that in spring and winter. (3) The diurnal spatial distribution of Jinjiang heat island effect varied differently. The intensity at night was significantly higher than that in the daytime. The minimum of tourist areas appeared at about 14 p m to 16 p m while the minimum of city center and industrial zones were slightly delayed. The maxmum all appeared in the early time in the morning.
表 1 功能区及站点区划分布
功能区 中心城区 产业经济区 旅游区 站点 F5102游乐园站 F5607东石站 F5604深沪站 F5606陈埭站 F5608磁灶站 F5612围头站 F5610罗山政府站 F5609紫帽站 F5615龙湖站 F5613池店站 F5611安海养正站 F5617英林站 F5614新塘街道站 F5616永和镇站 F5618西滨站 F5619晋江五中站 F5620灵源街道站 F5621三民中学站 表 2 2010—2014年夏季和冬季平均MAE值、RMSE值和R2值
插值种类 夏季 冬季 MAE/℃ RMSE/℃ R2 MAE/℃ RMSE/℃ R2 IDW 0.650 0.800 0.584 0.508 0.664 0.518 Spline 0.780 1.058 0.536 0.816 1.080 0.176 OK 0.550 0.718 0.712 0.472 0.630 0.530 UK 0.756 0.928 0.653 0.532 0.664 0.465 -
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