摘要: 利用广东省深圳市22个气象站2013-2017年共5年的逐时气象观测数据, 计算了舒适度指数并分析其空间分布特征, 结合天空开阔度和社会人口、经济数据对深圳各区分类, 对比分析不同发展进程的3种典型区域的舒适度指数以及舒适、不舒适日数和日变化等特征。结果表明深圳舒适度指数分布具有较明显空间差异, 舒适日数最多的地区是生态环境保护最好的东部。深圳的天空开阔度(Sky View Factor, SVF)空间分布与夏季舒适度指数的空间分布存在显著关联, 夏季SVF数值较小的地区通常更趋向热不舒适。发达地区的舒适度指数明显大于新兴发展地区和未发展地区, 5年的舒适度指数时间序列表明, 新兴发展地区的夏季舒适度指数变化幅度最大, 这与近5年新兴发展地区发展迅速有关。3种典型区域的舒适度指数总体上均呈上升趋势, 这与全球变暖和珠三角区域的快速发展进程关系密切。此外, 发达地区和新兴发展地区的舒适度指数日变化幅度明显大于未发展地区。Abstract: Based on the hourly observational meteorological data from 22 automatic weather stations in Shenzhen during the period from 2013 to 2017, the climatic comfort indices in areas with 3 different development levels are calculated and analyzed. The results show that the distribution of comfort index in Shenzhen has obvious spatial difference. The area with the largest number of comfortable days is the eastern part of Shenzhen, which enjoys the best ecological environment protection. The spatial distribution of Sky View Factor (SVF) in Shenzhen is closely related to the spatial distribution of comfort index. The areas with smaller SVF values tend to be more unlivable due to high temperature in summer. The comfort indices of developed areas are obviously larger than those of emerging and undeveloped areas. The fiveyear time series of the comfort index show that the comfort indices of emerging areas vary the most drastically in summer, which is related to the rapid development of these areas over the past five years. The comfort indices of the three typical areas are on a rise, which is closely related to global warming and the rapid development of the Pearl River Delta region. The diurnal ranges of the comfort indices of developed and emerging areas are larger than that of undeveloped area.
Key words:
- comfort index /
- sky view factor /
- Shenzhen /
- urban development level /
- urbanization
表 1 舒适度等级划分表
舒适度等级 舒适度指数范围 感受 5 ≥ 41.5或 < -5.0 极端不舒适 4 (41.5, 7.5]或(1.1, 5.0] 非常不舒适 3 (37.5, 4.5]或(5.0,1.1] 不舒适 2 (34.5, 30.0]或(13.0, 5.0] 较不舒适 1 (30.0, 27.0]或(21.0, 13.0] 较舒适 0 (27.0, 1.0] 舒适 -
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