摘要: 基于CWRF高分辨率模式的模拟结果,探讨了8种积云对流参数化方案对1986—2015年间东亚近海热带气旋的路径、频数及强度模拟的影响。结果发现:采用Kain-Fritsch方案模拟的热带气旋活动的空间分布与JTWC统计结果最接近。KF方案模拟的热带气旋生成频数(强度)明显高(强)于其他积云对流参数化方案,而BMJ方案模拟的热带气旋生成频数(强度)明显低(弱)于其他积云对流参数化方案。进一步分析发现,采用优化集合积云参数化方案(ECP)模拟热带气旋频数、ACE指数以及PDI指数的年际变化趋势较好,而采用KF积云对流参数化方案对热带气旋空间分布、频数及强度的模拟总体最优。Abstract: Eight cumulus convection parameterization schemes in the high resolution model CWRF are used to simulated the track, frequency and intensity of the tropical cyclones (TC) occurred in the offshore area of East Asia during 1986 to 2015. It is found that the spatial distribution is well performed in numerical model by the Kain-Fritsch scheme compared with JTWC data. Frequency (Intensity) of the TC simulated by the KF scheme is obviously higher (stronger) than that by other schemes while the frequency (intensity) simulated by the BMJ scheme is obviously lower (weaker) than that by other schemes. Further analysis shows that the ECP scheme in the CWRF model performs better in the simulation of the tendency for variation in TCs'frequency, ACE indexes and PDI indexes. In all, the KF scheme in the CWRF model can better reproduce TCs'spatial distribution, frequency and intensity.
Key words:
- CWRF /
- cumulus convection parameterization scheme /
- model evaluation /
- tropical cyclone /
- track /
- intensity /
- frequency
表 1 研究中各参数化方案的选择
表 2 不同积云对流参数化方案模拟结果的各项评分比较
方案名称 TS FAR PO Control 0.439 0.083 0.542 KF 0.507 0.184 0.427 BMJ 0.234 0.159 0.755 Grell 0.368 0.176 0.600 Tiedtke 0.334 0.179 0.640 NSAS 0.336 0.080 0.654 Donner 0.367 0.130 0.612 Emanuel 0.372 0.124 0.607 表 3 不同积云对流参数化方案与JTWC观测结果的相关系数
方案名称 相关系数(频数) 相关系数(ACE指数) 相关系数(PDI指数) Control 0.349 0.709 0.713 KF 0.266 0.428 0.430 BMJ 0.291 0.633 0.654 Grell 0.407 0.612 0.607 Tiedtke 0.198 0.600 0.618 NSAS 0.299 0.693 0.670 Donner 0.257 0.586 0.562 Emanuel 0.247 0.702 0.716 -
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