摘要: 以漳河流域为研究区域,以CMORPH卫星-地面自动站-雷达三源降水融合数据和ERA5再分析降水资料为WRF-Hydro模式的输入,进行径流模拟,对比分析模拟径流与实测径流的差异,探讨基于两种降水数据的WRF-Hydro模式在漳河流域的径流模拟效果。结果表明:三源降水融合数据的径流模拟效果较优,纳什系数均达到0.7以上,模拟径流与实测径流过程吻合较好;采用三源降水融合数据和ERA5再分析降水资料率定WRF-Hydro模式,以ERA5再分析降水资料为输入,径流模拟结果都不佳;总体而言,三源降水融合数据与WRF-Hydro模式耦合能够较好地模拟漳河流域径流过程。
- WRF-Hydro模式 /
- CMORPH卫星-地面自动站-雷达三源降水融合数据 /
- ERA5再分析资料 /
- 径流模拟
Abstract: Taking Zhanghe River Basin as the study area, the present study used the high-resolution radar-satellite-gauge merged precipitation products and reanalysis precipitation data from ERA5 as input for the WRF-Hydro model for runoff simulation. To explore the accuracy of runoff simulation in Zhanghe River Basin based on the WRF-Hydro model of two precipitation data, we compared and analyzed the difference between simulated runoff and observation runoff. The results show that the three-source merged precipitation products perform better with the Nash efficiency coefficient above 0.7, and the simulated hydrological process curves agree well with the observed hydrological process curves. With the three-source merged precipitation products and the ERA5 reanalysis data calibrated to the WRF-Hydro model, the simulation results are not satisfying with the ERA5 reanalysis data as input. In general, the three-source merged precipitation products combined with the WRF-Hydro model can better simulate the runoff process in the Zhanghe River Basin. -
表 1 WRF-Hydro模式关键敏感性参数
类别 参数 中文名称 英文名称 默认数值 径流量影响参数 REFKDT 下渗率 infiltration factor 3.0 RETDEPRT 地表持水深 surface retention depth 1.0 SLOPE 控制深层排水的系数 coefficient governing deep drainage 系列数 MannN 曼宁糙率 channel Manning roughness 系列数 水文过程影响参数 OVROUGHRT 地表糙率 surface roughness 1.0 LKSATFAC 饱和土壤侧向导水率 saturated soil lateral conductivity 系列数 REFDK 饱和导水率 saturated hydraulic conductivity 2.0×10-6 表 2 两种情景下WRF-Hydro模型参数率定结果
情景 REFKDT MannN RETDEPRTFAC OVROUGHRTFAC 情景1 0.53 0.30 1.0 1.0 情景2 0.80 0.25 1.0 1.0 表 3 两种情景下径流模拟结果的各评价指标值
情景 降水数据 洪水场次 ER/% REp/% ΔT/h R NSE 情景1 三源降水融合产品 201606 -33.10 -5.61 0 0.91 0.72 201607 -52.99 -82.06 3 0.68 0.12 ERA5 201606 33.19 130.61 3 0.62 -2.65 201607 0.68 -31.74 27 0.28 -0.12 情景2 ERA5 201606 -28.03 67.58 3 0.56 -0.99 201607 -6.04 -16.54 24 0.31 -0.35 -
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