摘要: 提出一种雷达回波图像中飑线特征自动识别的方法。以多普勒天气雷达探测资料为主要数据源,对雷达探测到的基本反射率的空间分布和强度进行分析,通过数值预处理、高通滤波、二值化降噪、图像特征提取、目标物的中轴线提取,以及飑线形态分析等一系列步骤,实现对雷达飑线特征的智能识别。克服了回波高值区域不连通、碎块化对飑线自动识别造成的困难。通过4次强对流天气个例检验,飑线自动识别的准确率达到75%左右,尤其对呈现直线或劣弧状,且边界清晰的高值回波区,具有更高的识别成功率。该方法将以往需要由气象专业人员主观分析、判读雷达回波图像的工作自动化、客观化,可提高飑线识别、强对流天气预警相关业务的准确性和时效性。Abstract: In this paper, we propose an intelligent and early warning recognition method of squall line characteristics in weather radar images. Doppler weather radar data is used as the main data to analyze the spatial distribution and intensity of the base reflectivity detected by radar. Through data preprocessing, high-pass filtering, binarization noise reduction, image feature extraction, central axis extraction of target, and morphological analysis of the squall line, intelligent recognition and early warning of radar squall line characteristics is realized. The method overcomes the difficulty caused by the disconnection of the high-value area of the echo and the automatic identification of the squall line by the fragmentation. Through the test of 4 strong convective weather cases, the accuracy of the automatic identification of the squall line reaches about 75%. In particular, the high-value echo region, which exhibits straight or inferior arc and clear boundary, has higher identification rate. This method can automatically and objectively analyze the work of subjective analysis and judgment of radar echo images by meteorological professionals, and can improve the accuracy and effectiveness of squall line identification and strong convective weather warning services.
Key words:
- synoptic meteorology /
- squall line /
- weather radar /
- radar echo /
- squall line feature recognition
表 1 个例检验的参数取值
序号 参数名 参数值 参数意义 1 max_α 2 计算过程中处理的最高仰角 2 Filt_A 60 dBZ 回波图像高通滤波的阈值 3 SL 5 降噪处理时正方形区域的边长 4 k 0.25 降噪处理时的调节系数 5 r_i 20 二维矩阵MAT的纵向步长 6 ω_i 5 二维矩阵MAT的横向步长 7 n 57 计数器,与r_i配合使用 8 n﹒r_i 1140 MAT纵向的最大刻度 9 Trd 0.75 筛选MAT中的大值单元的判定阈值 10 Filt_B 5dBZ 下一次高通滤波时Filt_A降低的单位量 11 Filt_N 50 dBZ 高通滤波迭代计算的最小基本反射率 表 2 三项评价指标的得分汇总
地点 k Trd POD FAR CSI 南京 0.1 0.70 94.76% 84.69% 15.18% 0.2 0.75 92.67% 83.72% 16.08% 0.3 0.80 83.25% 84.65% 14.89% 合肥 0.1 0.70 92.56% 88.90% 11.00% 0.2 0.75 89.26% 88.44% 11.40% 0.3 0.80 81.82% 88.90% 10.83% -
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