摘要: 风速剖面是各类工程结构抗风设计的关键参数。为了准确估算近海各类工程建筑结构承受的风荷载作用,通过在对数风剖面中引入大气稳定度函数和拖曳系数来刻画大气层结和海气交换作用对近海风速剖面的影响并建立相应的模型,最后利用强台风“黑格比”(0814号)的实测数据对模型进行了验证。研究结果表明:大气层结和海气交换作用对台风“黑格比”风速剖面有一定的影响,考虑大气层结和海气交换作用的风速剖面较对数剖面更能准确描述台风过程的风速剖面特征。Abstract: Wind velocity profile is a key parameter in the wind resistance design of engineering structures.In order to accurately estimate the wind load of onshore and offshore engineering infrastructural structures, this study investigates the influence of atmospheric stratification and air-seainteraction on wind profile byintroducing the atmospheric stability function and the drag coefficient into logarithmic wind profile, and an offshore wind speed profile model is proposed. The data of Typhoon Hagupit (0814) is used to validate theproposed wind speed profile model. The results show that atmospheric stratification and air-sea interactionhave certain influence on the wind speed profile of Typhoon Hagupit. The proposed wind speed profile model is more accurate than traditional logarithmic models in describing typhoon process.
Key words:
- wind profile /
- typhoon /
- atmospheric stratification /
- air-sea interaction /
- drag coeffcient
表 1 大气层结分类
大气层结状况 奥布霍夫长度/m 样本量 稳定(S) 0 ≤ L ≤ 500 69 中性层结(N) | L | ≥ 500 54 不稳定(U) -500 ≤ L ≤ 0 28 表 2 样本参数平均值
大气层结状况 稳定度参数L/m 平均风速U/(m/s) 摩擦速度/(m/s) 稳定层结 10 ≤ L ≤ 500 195.54 12.56 0.61 中性层结 L ≥ 500 1 035.76 14.00 0.63 L ≤ -500 -885.74 15.81 0.76 不稳定层结 -500 ≤ L ≤ -50 -199.23 13.04 0.82 -
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